In the formation of the new Central Asian Pediatric
Medical Institute in 1972, the department of physical education and physical therapy MC. The course is held teaching and sports activities. 1.2 with students of the course, the HEN and 5 course on medical supervision.
Classes in physical education conducted in the stadium and sports halls 1 time per week, and for medical monitoring in the audience at the department.

On the lessons of physical education of future physicians formed the desire for spiritual and physical perfection, improving their functional status, protection from negative influences and getting rid of bad habits. Since 2005, on the orders of Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the joint-chairs formed a course of physical education and the MC.
Taking part in many competitions Student Society “Talaba” in basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis, our students achieve high results.
Heads of the Department:

Galina Afanaseva was born May 1, 1936 In 1954, she graduated from high school in Novocherkassk and in 1958 graduated from MosGosFI and in 1966 graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, and in 1971 graduated from the graduate school, a doctorate and became the candidate of medical sciences. Since 1972 .AfonasevaG.F. became the first head of the department of physical education, exercise, and MC in our institute, she worked until 1977, and then returned In 1988 and 10 years headed the chair

Palischuk SD – From 1977 to 1981
Akbarov AI – 1981 to 1987
Abdulaev DH – From 1987 to 1988
AA Abdurakhmanov – From 1998 to 1999
Vasiliev V.D. was born in Tashkent in 1940, and in 1958 graduated from high school, and in 1959 he was drafted into the Armed Forces and in 1963 graduated from the service and went to TashGosMI and in 1965 he became a master of the sport of basketball, and in 1970 he graduated from college and was left work at the department, “physical education, physical therapy, and DC ‘assistant in 1972, in connection with the opening of CAMPI was transferred to the newly formed Institute for the same department as an assistant, since 1999 and is currently the Head of the Course” Physical Education and MC ”