The chair of surgical illnesses has been organised in 1972. Senior lecturer B.A.Ahundzhanov was the first manager of chair and the founder of surgical school. Since 1991 managing chair of surgical illnesses with MFS is professor Dadaev Sh.A. Structure of employees of chair: professor Dadaev Sh. A, d.s., professor Tursumetov A.A., assistant p.h.d.,assistant Ahmedov A.I., assistant Rahimov O.U., assistant Khasanov S.M, p.h.d, Karimov M.M.,

Doctoral students: Hamrakulov Sh.F.

Free applicant: Isakov Sh.Sh.

The chair is located on following bases: 4-city clinical hospital of of Tashkent, the Central versatile hospital of Jakkasaraj area, 1-republican clinical hospital, Adult clinic TashPMI, the Tashkent Regional versatile medical centre. Besides, exit employment are spent also in family polyclinics № 7,8, 30, 54 of Tashkent. Training on chair there pass students of IV course of pediatric faculty in a subject «surgical illnesses with MFS», IV course of mediko-pedagogical faculty in subjects «faculty surgery», «military-field surgery», “urology”, students of V course in a subject «hospital surgery», VI course – “urology”, students of faculty OMH in a subject «sisterly process in surgery».