The chair of surgical illnesses (Department of Surgical Diseases) of SAMPI has been organised in 1972. Senior lecturer B.A.Ahundzhanov was the first manager of chair and the founder of surgical school. Ahundzhanov Basit Alievich was born on July, 18th 1923. In Tashkent, in 1949. Has ended medical faculty TashGosMi. After the institute termination He worked as the clinical intern, the post-graduate student, and then the assistant to chair of hospital surgery of sanitary-pediatric faculty TashGosMi. With 1953 on 1961 Ahundzhanov B. A. was on responsible party work, managing department of administrative bodies of Central Committee KP of Uzbekistan, and with 1961 on 1963. Worked as the director scientifically – research institute of traumatology and orthopedy. On XIII, XIV congresses КP of Uzbekistan by B.A.Ahundzhanov it was selected a member of a revision committee of Central Committee KP UzSsR, and at XV congress – the candidate for members of Central Committee KP of Uzbekistan, it was selected deputy of Tashgorsov V, VI, VII, VIII convocations. In 1963. Ahundzhanov B. A. has successfully protected the master’s thesis on a theme: «To a question of pathogenesis acute intestinal impassability ». In 1964 of Ahundzhanov B. A. the rank of the senior scientific employee, and in 1965 – a rank of the senior lecturer is appropriated. With 1964 on 1972 Ahundzhanov B. A. worked as the senior lecturer of chair of surgical illnesses of pediatric faculty TashGosMi. With 1972 on 1991 Ahundzhanov B. A. headed chair of surgical illnesses SAMPI. In 1979 B.A.Ahundzhanov in to Moscow has successfully protected the thesis for a doctor’s degree on a theme:«Surgical treatment of a cirrhosis baking with use of stimulators of regeneration». The participant of the Great Patriotic War Ahundzhanov B. A. is awarded by 8 medals, awards «the Labour Red Banner “and” an honour Sign », to it the rank« the Deserved doctor of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic» is appropriated and it is the honours pupil of Public health services of the USSR. In 1991 The decree of Presidium of Supreme body UzSSR to it appropriates a rank -«the Honored worker of a science of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic». In 1972 The list of staff of chair as a part of 20 persons is confirmed. The manager. Chair – deserved doctor UzSSR, senior lecturer B.A.Ahundzhanov. Senior lecturers: L.Vasilenko, L.T.Nadzhemitdinov, T.J.Jusupov. Аssistents: M.H.Boruhov, E.A.Torkin, I.S.Subhankulov, S.S.Dalimov, L.R.Episheva, V.J.Devjatov, R.S.Melkumov, I.I.Ibragimov, T.S.Saidov, I.P.Kim. The clinical intern – Rustamov G. A. The senior laboratorians – Abdurachmanov A.A., Rybakova M. A. Younger the laboratorian – Kokko L.O., Seitnebieva L.A., Ibragimov I.I. Bases of chair of surgical illnesses were surgical (80 cots) and traumatologic (45 cots) branch to city clinical hospital №6, surgical (80 cots) and urological branches MSCH of the Tashkent Textile combine and stomatologic branch of railway hospital. On chair students IV and V courses were engaged. In the organisation of institute the rector for chair had been allocated the equipment, equipment, toolkit and grants for educational process. Employees of chair had been made methodical grants, stands for carrying out of a practical training are organised, educational rooms that has given full possibility in due time to begin educational process are equipped. Scientific activity The chair collective worked over questions of treatment of a cirrhosis, a sharp pancreatitis, a cholecystitis, a stomach ulcer of a stomach and duodenum guts, the purulent peritonitis, the closed traumas of a stomach, postoperative anaesthesia. On chair were carried out and were to defend one’s a number of doctor’s and candidate dissertational works. 1972 Have protected master’s theses Devjatov V. JA on a theme: «the Closed damages of bodies of a belly cavity» and Melkumov R. S on a theme: «Open long novocaines blockade reflexogenic zones of a belly cavity in the postoperative period», Episheva L.R. on a theme: «Congenital cyst both fistulas and necks», in 1973 Saidov T.S. on a theme: «About some mechanisms of infringements of function of kidneys at patients with pyelonephritis» and Ibragimov I.I. on a theme: «Functional morphology mucous a stomach at an ulcer and a cancer», and 1985 Dadaev H.A. on a theme: «correction of infringements of hydro-elektrolytic at an acute pancreatitis». Since 1988-1989 the chair of field surgery is attached to our chair and its teaching was conducted in the beginning on V and then on IV course. Staff of chair of surgical illnesses №1 included 14 teachers in the given period, a wedge. The intern, the laboratorian. After chair reorganisation military – field surgery in 1988 hours have been divided between surgical illnesses №1 and №2. On our chair of surgical illnesses №1 have joined Jusupov T.J., Kim I.P. and Dalimov S.S. and base of surgical illnesses became MSB «Textilekombimait», and also regional hospital of the Tashkent area. In chair staff 14 employees consisted. With 1991 Chair its pupil the doctor of medical sciences Dadaev S.A. began to manage, agrees the order of the rector of institute, which in 1992 On a competitive basis has been selected managing chair of surgical illnesses №1, and Ahundzhanov B.A. remained the professor of chair in connection with an exit on pension. Nadzhimitdinov Latip Tursunovich. Was born on October, 30th, 1930 in a family of the employee. In 1955 has ended medical faculty 1 ТаshGosMI. Till 1961 worked as the practical doctor-surgeon in the Fergana Regional hospital, МSCh TAPOiCh, thoracal branch TashGosMi. In 1961 it is accepted by the post-graduate student in institute of cardiovascular surgery Bakulevs and in 1964 has protected the master’s thesis on a theme: “Value plethizmography in diagnostics of diseases of an aorta and the main arteries”. On 1968 worked as the assistant to chair of surgery of the Tashkent institute of improvement of doctors. Since 1968 worked over the thesis for a doctor’s degree on a theme: “the Remote results of prosthetics of an aorta at coarctation” at institute of cardiovascular surgery under the guidance of prof. Pokrovskiy A.V. and in 1972 has successfully finished it. After creation in 1972 of the SAMPI worked on chair of Surgical illnesses; having begun with a post of the assistant, and then becoming the senior lecturer and the professor, Nadzhimitdinov L.T. in a current of 22th years (with 1978 on 2000 of) managed chair. The professor has prepared 4 candidates of sciences and 1 doctor of sciences. The author more than 130 proceedings and 6 rationalization proposals, more than 10 introductions and 10 manuals. In the activity has spent more than thousand operations on heart, an aorta, lungs, a gastroenteric path. Professor Nadzhimitdinov Latip Tursunovich is awarded ranks «the Honours pupil of Public health services». Dadaev Shirin Amanovich, 1949 of a birth, the native of Syr-Darya area, the surgeon. In 1972 Has finished pediatric faculty TashGosMi. 1972-1973 – passed internship on children’s surgeries on the basis of clinical city hospital №14, Tashkent. 1973-1975 The doctor the intern of surgical branch of 6th city hospital of of Tashkent. With 1976 On 1983г. – the assistant to chair of surgical illnesses №1. 1984-1987 – senior scientific employee SAMPI also has been sent in Moscow – on chair of hospital surgery of II th MOLGMI of N.I.Pirogovs (the manager. Chair – the hero of Socialist work, the professor Majat O. S) for thesis for a doctor’s degree performance. 1988-1991 – the senior lecturer of chair of surgical illnesses №1. With 1991г. – managing chair of surgical illnesses ТаshPMI. In 1979 has protected the master’s thesis on a theme: “the Comparative characteristic open long novocaines blockade of reflexogenical zones after operations on bodies of a belly cavity”, and in 1991 Has protected the thesis for a doctor’s degree on a theme “Modern aspects selective proximal vagotomy in surgical treatment of a stomach ulcer duodenal teem” in to Moscow. By Dadaev Sh.A. are published more than 160 scientific works, the author of one monography, 18 methodical engineerings, 5 methodical grants, one rationalization proposals, is the head of 3 candidate works. Being engaged for a number of years (1981-1994) duodenal ulcers it together with the leading designer of special design bureau, factory on release of new iatrotechnics of the USSR (Kamenets-Podolsk) are developed by questions of diagnostics and surgical treatment unique multipurpose гастроэнтерологические probes (PEG-9, PEG-4) a probe for simultaneous performance pn-metrii and of pneumodilatation the gatekeeper, transillumination. For working out and introduction of some new technologies in practical public health services to collective of developers, including Sh.A.Dadaev in 1994 In to Moscow the rank of the academician of the International academy of information is appropriated. Dadaev Sh.A. is a member of the commission at KM RUz on nostrification diplomas HIGH SCHOOL and scientific degrees, Spec. Council about surgery in NCH V.V.Vahidovs, main konsultant – the surgeon in Obstetrics and Gynecology scientific research institute, expert GKNT, a member international information academies, worked (2007-2012) the director of the Tashkent regional centre of emergency medical aid (branch – RNTSEMP) In 1991 In connection with reorganisation of chair and the order of Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan chair states are reduced with 17 to 5 units. Remained the manager. Dadaev Sh.A.’s chair, the professor of chair Ahundzhanov B.A. on 0,5 rate. Senior lecturers: Devjatov V. JA, Dalimov S.S., Kim I.P., on 0,5 rates, assistants: Ahmedov I.V. as well Ashurmetov A.M. of 0,5 rates, Ahundzhanov M. B is left on the full rate and one rate of laborian. In 1998 As a result of the next reorganisation of chairs there was an association of two surgical and the general surgery which began to be called chair of surgical illnesses with MFS and a course of the general surgery. In 2002 the course of the general surgery has been allocated in independent chair, and by the manager is appointed Abdumadjidov А.Sh. In 2003 on chair of surgical illnesses with MFS with a course medical sister with higher education also consisted of 15 units (Prof. Sh.A.Dadaev), prof. L.T.Nazhmitdinov – responsible for subinternship, prof. А.S. Saidhanov – responsible for a magistracy, A.N.Tillaev – the manager. A teaching department, V.P.Kim – responsible for MFS, R.S.Tashmuhamedov – responsible for a course medical sister with higher education; assistants: A.I.Ahmedov, A.Ahmedov, Tashpulatov Z.F., etc. T.D. Danijarov, A.A.Tursumetov, U.A.Alibekov, B.B.Babahanov; S.V.Kim’s post-graduate students, the item laboratorian M.U.Temirov, laboratorian Hasuntseva I.S. In present time for chair 2 doctors of medical sciences work 1 professor., 6 candidates of medical sciences., 3 assistants and 1 laboratorian. During chair existence 3 doctor’s and 24 master’s theses, 187 scientific articles, 362 theses, 2 copyright certificates, 86 methodical recommendations, 12 rationalization proposals, 4 monographies, 1 invention are executed and protected. Employees of chair had been prepared new manuals, slides and albums on various themes faculty, hospital, urology and field surgery.