Bodies of the department
In 1980, at the Department of Pediatric Chiropractic No. 2 of the Intermediate Medical Institute of the Pediatric Institute, an anesthesiological and resuscitation course was created, the final course of the bone became a candidate of medical Sciences, Talat Saidolimovich Agamhodzhaev was appointed associate professor.

In 1996, an anesthesiological and intensive care course began to work in Tajikistan as an independent department. In the debt of the final chair with the moment of its resumption in 1996-2020, Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor T.S.Agamhodzhaev acted. Since 2021, the MD of the department will be Professor Satvaldieva Elmira Abdusamadovna.
Upper chairs:
The department began its activity as an anesthesiological and resuscitation courses, which worked in two compositions in the Gorskaya Children’s Hospital No. 14 and No. 10:
1. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, completing the course Agzamhodzhaev Talat Saidolimovich
2. Candidate of Medical Sciences assistant Toir Tukhtaevich Sharipov
3. Candidate of Medical Sciences assistant Anvar Valievich Alimov
4. Candidate of Medical Sciences assistant Mahmud Muslimovich Aliyev
5. Candidate of Medical Sciences assistant Damira ashimovna Ashimbetova
Post-graduates who worked at the department from 1972 to 2022:
Alimov A.V. Dm.n., Professor
Aliyev M.M. Md., Professor
Nurmukhamedov Kh.A. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Sharipov T.T. к.MN ., associate professor
Usmanova G.M. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
EM. M.F. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Gofurova M.A. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Tohirov. G.M. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate professor
Malyutina L.V. Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant
Khonov M.M. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant
Gorbunov A.E. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant
Kholmukhamedov B.M. Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant
Iskandarova N.F. assistant
Vedeneeva N.P. assistant
Azizova L.E assistant
Nazhmitdinov B.L. Assistant
Kholmetovo Sh.G. assistant
Dunanov R.X. assistant
Tashbekova D.T. assistant
Solikhujaev G.N. Assistant
Scientific management of the department:
The department conducts scientific work on training “improvement of anesthesia methods, resuscitation and intensive care you have with the introduced and accepted defects”. There are 4 doctoral and 16 candidate dissertations on this subject at the Department of Defense.
The final chair, MD Professor Talat Saydolimovich Agamkhodzhaev
Born in 1950 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. In 1973 he graduated from the Central Asian Pediatric Institute. Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of the Moscow State Institute, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences as the head of A. A. Mikhelson in 1979 defended his PhD thesis on “Changes in the sympathetic-adrenal system in connection with operations and anesthesia in children“.
In 1984 he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Central analgesia in pediatrics”. In 1992, the year was developed by a teacher for academic work, from 1993 to 1999, God was a teacher for academic work.
In 1999, T.S. Agzamkhodjaev was appointed chief clinicians. Under his leadership, such departments as pediatric cardiac surgery, plastic chiropractic, offices for icing UT, EEG were created in the clinic.
2008-2019. worked as dean of the pediatric faculty of Tashpimi, then 1 pediatric faculty.
In 2019-2020, he worked on the initial department of internal control.
Professor Agamkhodzhaev T. With practical advice, accompanied by the chairman of the specialized council of the TTA, maples by the republican community and pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, maples by the attestation commission of republican anesthesiologists-resuscitators and anesthesiologists-anesthesiologists. We follow the April advice and warning boards of the Pediatric Faculty 1, as well as a member of the European Academy of Anesthesiology and the European Association for the Study of the Wing. He worked as the chief pediatric anesthesiologist-resuscitator in the Ministry of Health of the Uzbek Republics.
Agzamkhodjaev T.With the advent of time, an active place prevailed in scientific conferences held in Holland, Austria, Egypt, Korea, Germany, Italy, the United States of America, Turkey, Moscow, St. Petersburg, higher information with articles, theses and documents, but also in the presidents’ kakhests, scientists expressed their scientific thoughts. Agzamkhodzhaev Talat Saidolimovich is a major scientist, specialist, first-year student of the 1st in the secondary department of anesthesiology and resuscitation. Under his leadership, 14 PhD theses and 4 doctoral works were defended. Professor T.S. Agzamkhodzhayev described above 500 scientific papers, out of 7 monographs, 398 scientific statuses, 31 educational and methodological regulations, 5 inventions, methodological positives-24 informative letters – 10. Took an active place in the training of scientific workers.
Satvaldieva Elmira Abdusamatovna graduated with honors from the Mediatiatsky Pediatric Institute in pediatrics in 1984. In 1984-1986, he completed his clinical residency in Moscow, at the 2nd Medical Institute, at the Department of Pediatric Chiropractic, Traumatology, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (specialist Academician V.A. Mikhelson has been working at the Tashpimi – 2 clinic as a substitute chief physician since 1990. In 1992-1996 he worked as an associate professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of TashPMI. Candidate of Medical Sciences since 1995. In 1996-1999-doctoral student of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of TashPMI. Doctor of Medical Sciences since 2002.
Clinical scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Satvaldieva I.A. e-mail 424 scientific papers have been published, out of 7 monographs, 298 scientific statuses, 31 carefully methodical poses, 4 inventions. Activated in the training of wrist shots. Satvaldieva E.A. Landowner Chairman of the Republic of the National Society of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators, Chief pediatric anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the Ministry of Health of the Uzbek Republics. Development of anesthesiological departments and intensive care units of the intensive care unit of the Children’s medical center.
System-wide work of accompanying chairs
Usmanova G.M. Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor from 1994 to 1999, a beginner in the educational department of Taspmi, in 2000-2008. a substitute for the chief physician of the metaphor clinic, in 2008-2020. used to bind the smooth seam of the clinician. In 2003 , he was awarded with the recognition of the populated workplace of the Uzbek republics for the settlement in front of the Fatherland
Sharipov T.T. Ph.D. Associate professor worked at the department from 1980 to 2007. We support the Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics, which means the problem commission of the Approbation Council for Human Sciences.
Yusupov A.S., Km.n., Associate Professor, member of the problem commission of the Approbation Council for Surgical Sciences.
Nurmukhamedov Kh.K., Km.n., associate professor from 1991 to 2010 held due diligence warned the board of trainers of the Institute. It is expressed in terms of the approbation Council for Pediatrics and Surgical Sciences, the problem commission and the MUC.
Tolipov M.G. 1991-1997 worked in a clinic requiring an addition to the chief physician completing the Orita leave.
Haidarov M.B. treatment 1998-2009 worked as deputy dean of the Pediatric Faculty and Medical Pedagogy.
I. M.B 2008-2012 borrowed due diligence of the dean of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy.
Valiev A.R. Thank you for the participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy and Medical Work.
Solihozhaev. G.N. performs the functions of the head coach for 5 courses.
From the graduates of the department for many years:Agzamkhodzhaev T.S., Sharipov T.T. Haidarov M.B. Yusupov A.S. Dunanov R.X. worked in the admissions committee of our institute.
Currently, Satvaldieva E.A. is working at the department – the final chair, Professor, MD, information: Yusupov A.S. Valiev A.R., Mamatkulov I.B., assistants: Tolipov M.D. Haidarov M.B. Beknazarov A.B. Ismailova M.On., Fayziev O.Ya., Mamatkulov I.A. Shorakhmedov G.G. Ashurova G.Z, Shugarova M.On. Bakhromzhanova H.X.