Responsible for the department’s Student Scientific Society (STS): assistant of the department Ashurova G.Z.

  1. At the International Olympiad held in Bukhara, 519 group 2 student of pediatric faculty Gaffarova Munisakhan took the 1ST PLACE. Scientific Supervisor: Assistant Ismailova Mahfuza Ubaydullaevna.

2) At the International Olympiad held in Samarkand, 519 group 1 student of pediatrics faculty Yusupova Gulasal took the 2ND PLACE. Scientific Supervisor: Assistant Ashurova Gulchehra Zakirjonovna.

3) Tursunpulatov Ilkhomjon, a 6th year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics, won the 1st PLACE in the Best Student-2022 contest held in Kozogistan. Scientific Supervisor: Assistant Beknazarov Amir Bazarbaevich.