“Approved” chief doctor of the clinic TashPMI ___________ Assoc. GM Usmanov’s “10” in January 2018 Rector Prof. TashPMI __________. BT Daminov “10” in January 2018 AGREEMENT on scientific cooperation

1. Between the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (hereinafter “TashPMI”) and clinic TashPMI to conduct scientific and practical research and to carry out joint scientific and practical methods for the treatment of children with congenital heart disease research on “Improvement of inhalation anesthesia in cardiac surgery in infants’ by specialty 14.00.37 – anesthesiology and resuscitation performed by the assistant of the department “anesthesiology and Intensive Care” TashPMI Solihodzhaevym Sh.N.

2. To carry out research work and analysis of the effectiveness of the research.

3. For joint publications.

1. Purpose of the agreement:

1.1 In accordance with the agreement on the one hand “TashPMI” and on the other hand clinic TashPMI conclude an agreement on conducting joint research projects;

1.2 Joint research will be conducted on the basis of the clinic TashPMI, in cardiac surgery, kardioanesteziologicheskom offices and “TashPMI”. 1.3 The agreement provides for cooperation of the above institutions. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES: 2.1 “TashPMI” on behalf of the Department “Anesthesiology and Intensive Care”:

2.1.1 In order to achieve common objectives and tasks of mutual interest to share the available scientific information and practical experience;

2.1.2 Conduct joint scientific research and medical diagnostic tests; 2.1.3 implements the clinic TashPMI and regional Centers of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of new therapeutic and diagnostic development, were approved in the clinic kardioanesteziologicheskom TashPMI deck 2. TashPMI Clinic undertakes: 2.2.1. Exchange available scientific information and experience in the treatment of infants with congenital heart disease.

2.2.2. Conduct joint research and therapeutic and diagnostic testing young children with congenital heart disease; 2.2.3. Assist in the implementation of new joint medical-diagnostic co-development and participation in scientific conferences. 3 ORGANIZATION OF COOPERATION:

3.1 The parties in their joint activities governed by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3.2 The term of the contract from the date of signature until 31 June 2020. At the expiration of the term of the contract may be extended by mutual consent of both parties.

3.3 Organization of the implementation of scientific research is carried out on a collective basis, and provides a joint solution of issues arising in the course of research work.

3.4 provides for the phased joint discussion of the data and correction of the work plan of research.

3.5 Analysis of the results of scientific research, development of regulatory guidance documents in the form of guidelines, manuals, instructions, etc., will be carried out jointly by all the participants in the research work.

3.6 Scientific publications and presentations at conferences, symposia, seminars and congresses, prepared on the results of research will be carried out jointly by all parties to the treaty. Legal addresses of the parties: TashPMI, Department “Anesthesiology and Intensive Care”: Tashkent, ul. Gods Shamol, house 223, tel .: 262-27-74 Head. dept. “Anesthesiology and Intensive Care” TashPMI, prof. TS Agzamhodzhaev Clinic TashPMI Tashkent, Yunus-Abad district, st. Gods Shamol d.223, tel.