Scientific activity

Responsible for the scientific activities of the Department: Assistant, (PhD), Fayziev O. Ya

The scientific direction of the departmentis “Issues of organization of specialized service of pediatric anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care in primary health care, issues of personnel formation, standards of anesthesia and intensivecare for critical conditions”(statenumber 01.87.0052039, code 0037), headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, profессор essor E. A. Satvaldieva..

Scientific problem:Regional anesthesia and ways to solve it in pediatric pediatrics.

Scientific direction: “Issues of organization of specialized service of pediatric anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care in primary health care, issues of staff formation, standards of anesthesia and intensivecare for critical conditions”.

Scientific research. Over the past 5 years, 6 dissertations have been defended:

1. Assistant МаматкуловProfessor I. B. Mamatkulov (PhD-2020);

2. Doctoral student A. S. Yusupov (DSc-2022);

4. Assistant Faiziev O. Ya (PhD-2022);

5. Assistant Ismailova M. U. (PhD-2023);

6. Part — Time Assistant Khaydarov K. I (PhD-2022).

Today, the department has 2 doctors of sciences and 3 candidates of Sciences, 1 professor and 2 associate professors.

Head of the Department:Doctor of Medical Sciences, ProfessorSatvaldieva Emira Abdusamatovna Абдусаматовна.

Staff of the department:Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Yusupov A. S., (PhD), Associate Professor Mamatkulov I. B., (PhD), assistant Fayziev O. Ya., (PhD), assistant Ismailova M. U., Assistant Tolipov M. G., Assistant Khaydarov M. B., assistant Mamatkulov I. A., assistant Beknazarov A. B., Assistant Ashurova G. Z., assistant Shakarova M. U., assistant Shorakhimov Sh. Sh

Scientific potential of the department— 40.3%

Currently, the department conducts the following research:

1. “Protein-energy insufficiency andits correction in sepsis in children” by assistant (PhD) Ashurova G. Z.

2. “Choice of the method of general anesthesia inophthalmic operations in children” by assistant Mamatkulov I. A.

3. “Combined spinal anesthesia in urological operations in children” by assistant Shakarova M.U. 4.”Optimization of postoperative sedation and analgesia in pediatric cardiacsurgery ” соискателем Туйчиевымby D. B. Tuichiev. 5.“The state of the water sectors of the body during anesthesiological support of operations in children” Shorahmedov Sh.Sh.

1.         Scientific cooperation Norway, WSFA President of the World Federation of Anesthesiologists,Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of the Northern State Medical University Arkhangelsk, Russia, Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Emergency Pediatrics, Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations of the St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical Institute, Russia, Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Emergency Pediatrics named after Professor V. I. Gordeev (bachelor’s degree) St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical Institute, Russian Federation. Kaz National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov , Almaty, Kazakhstan. медицинский Ankara Medical Institute, Turkey,


Student Scientific Society. Every year, bachelor’s, master’s and clinical resident students participate in scientific research conducted on the basis of the department. The results of their research papers are published in the collection of abstracts of the student scientific conference. 6 students took part in intensive care Olympiads. Тошбаева Umida Toshbaeva tooka 1st place at the International Olympiad in Bukhara

Scientific conferences. Employees of the department regularly undergo internships and participate in congresses, conventions and conferences both in Uzbekistan and abroad. Thus, the department’s employees take part in the international scientific and practical conferences of anesthesiology and resuscitation, held annually in September. In addition, the Department annually organizes international scientific and practical conferences devoted to topicalissues of children’s intensive care

Scientific publications. Over the past 10 years, KaPhedra employees have published more than 125,00 scientific articles, 3 monographs and received 7 computer patents from the Intellectual Property Agency.

Participation in scientific communities. The following employees of the department are members of the Scientific Council (DSc.04/01.02.2022.tib.147.01) at the National Children’s Medical Center:

– MD, Professor Satvaldieva Elmira Abdusamatovna (14.00.37-Anesthesiology and Resuscitation);

– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Yusupov Anvar Sabirdzhanovich (14.00.37-Anesthesiology and resuscitation).

The following employees of the department are members of the Scientific Seminar at the Scientific Council (DSc.04/01. 02. 2022. tib. 147. 01) at the National Children’s Medical Center:

– MD, Professor Satvaldieva Elmira Abdusamatovna (14.00.37-Anesthesiology and Resuscitation);

– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Yusupov Anvar Sabirdzhanovich (14.00.37-Anesthesiology and resuscitation).