Responsible for the spiritual and moral activities of the department: assistant Ismailova M.U.

At the department, spiritual and moral work is carried out according to the approved plan. “Akhborot Soatlari” is held weekly, events, meetings and conversations on various spiritual and moral topics are regularly organized.
At the department, special attention is paid to the appearance of students, a healthy lifestyle, aesthetic and moral education. The teaching staff of the department actively participates in all events of the institute and constantly occupies places of honor. All employees of the department visit the student dormitory on a monthly basis.
The department has established work in the educational, spiritual and moral direction. Within the framework of this direction, an hour of news is held weekly at the department with the participation of all employees of the department, masters, clinical residents of the department, students who are at a cycle lesson, at which the news of our country and the world are discussed.

On a regular basis, in accordance with the approved plan, meetings of the Department on Spiritual and Moral Work are held, at which important topics such as terrorism and religious extremism, culture of behavior, improper upbringing and its consequences are discussed. Meetings are held in the form of lectures, reports, discussions. At these meetings, reports prepared by students, masters, clinical residents, assistants of the department are also read.

During the academic year, “Information Hours” are held weekly, and on the basis of this information, agitation and educational work is carried out among teachers and students. All festive events are systematically held at the department.
Also, at each cycle lesson, conferences are held among students on such topical topics as drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco smoking, and the consequences of improper upbringing. Professors and teachers of the department regularly conduct explanatory
conversations with students, masters and clinical residents about the dangers of substance abuse, about the importance of proper education for the formation of a healthy, socially adapted personality, about the importance of ethics and deontology in medicine and the impact of stress factors on people’s mental health.
During the academic year, meetings on spiritual and moral education are held every month. At the department there is a corner “Manaviat va marifat”.

Curatorial work is organized at the department. According to the order of the rector of the institute and the coaching council in September 2023, from the 2023-2024 academic year, 12 groups from the 6th year of the I-Pediatric Faculty were attached to our department to conduct coaching work with students. Curators monitor the living conditions of students, their academic performance and attendance. Curatorial groups regularly hold conversations aimed at forming high spiritual and moral qualities in students, developing a sense of patriotism, trust and respect for each other.
Hours of Information:
The department has a folder of materials, which contains Decrees of the President, Resolutions of the Government, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Health, news of political life, etc.
The schedule of passing information hours for trainers in the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (twice a month) for the academic year 2023-2024.
Beknazarov A.B | 601 -602 |
Shoraxmedov Sh.Sh | 603-604 |
Ashurova G.Z | 611-612 |
Fayziev O.Ya | 615-616 |
Mamatqulov I.A | 617-618 |
Shakarova M.U | 621-622 |