The Department of Faculty Pediatric Surgery of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute was founded in 1972. Its first head was the founder of pediatric surgery in Uzbekistan DMN, professor Tagirov Karim Khodjaevich (1972-1980). From 1980 to 2003, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sulaimanov Aminbay Sulaimanovich. Currently, the head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aliev M.M. From 2003 to 2022, he headed the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aliev M.M.. Currently, the head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Rakhmatullaev A.A.
Since the organization of the department, the department worked: Doctor of Medicine Ulliev Y.B., kmn, associate professor Islambekov G.K, associate professor Ilyasov I.I., associate professor Bakhramov Sh.B, kmn Akilbaev D.D.
Department staff: DMN, Associate Professor A.A. Nosirov, DMN, Associate Professor Ollabergenov O.T., Associate Professor M.S. Chuliev, Associate Professor T.T. Norbaev, Associate Professor U.Kh. Tilavov, Associate Professor A.A. Rakhmatullaev, Associate Professor Terebaev B.A., associate professor Khotamov Kh.N., senior lecturer Bayakhmedov F.F., kmn, assistant Khotamov Kh.N., assistant Holmetov Sh.Sh.
In 1972, in connection with the creation of the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute (August 20), the “Department of Pediatric Surgical Diseases”was separated from the Tashkent Medical Institute. Karim Khojivich Tohirov, who previously headed the department, headed this department until 1881.
Karim Khodzhievich Tagirov (1907-1987)

A well-known scientist, surgeon, Doctor off.dMedicine, professor, was born in 1907 in Tashkent. Honored Healthcare Worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. A scientist who has made a huge contribution to higher education and science in the republic. Founder of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Central Asian State University. 1932-1935. Руководил и основал хирургическое отделение в городе Термез1935-1939 Assistant Professor of the Department of Faculty Surgery ofTashkent State University. Since 1939, Director of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was mobilized and worked as the chief surgeon of the medical battalion of the Western Front. In 1942, he was wounded and discharged from the army. For a short time he was an assistant to the rector, and since 1943-the Minister of Health of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. During the difficult and decisive years of the war, at the initiative of Karim Khodzhiev, a military plane was purchased with the funds (money) collected by medical workers and sent to the front. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief expressed gratitude to the medical workers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
In 1943, K.Tagirov defended his PhD thesis on “Typical anatomy of the thymus gland in childhood”. Since 1947, he was appointed Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Tashgosmi. This was the first and only department in Central Asia. K..X.Tagirov headed this department for 35 years. Over the years, on their initiative, children’s surgical departments were established in Tashkent and the regions and specialists in the industry were trained. Practical instructions on surgical diseases spread among children in the regions of the republic were studied and given. K..X.Tagirov was more interested in urolithiasis in children and its complications. In 1962, K.X.Tagirov wrote a book on the topic” Mochacariasis’ in children in Uzbekistan”. In 1963, he defended his doctoral dissertation on this topic.K.XTagirov is the author of more than 100 scientific articles, 3 monographs. Under his supervision, 13 PhD theses were defended..XSeveral of Tagirov’s students received the title of professor (academician), defending their doctoral dissertation, and associate professor, defending their PhD thesis. Professor A.S.Suleymanov, M.M.Aliev, Zh. B. Beknazarov, Yu. B.. УллиевUlliev, N. S. Ergashev, N.У. U. Utegenov. Associate Professor G. K. Islambekov, Sh. B.. Bahramov, E. I… Ilyasov, D.D.. Akilbaev and others.
Tagirov’s achievements were awarded the Grand Order “Badge of Honor” and the title” Honored Doctor of the Republic of Karakalpakstan”.
Tagirov’s cases are continued by their students. When a lecture is given to students about the history of pediatric surgery, they are told about their teaching, about the work done.
From 1981 to 2003 the department was headed by Professor A. S. Sulaimanov
With them in the department; professor.Ulliev Yu. V., Beknazarov Zh. B., к.м.н. Candidate of Medical Sciences Vakhidov A..Sh, associate professors; Islambekov G. K., Bahramov ShB. B., Ilyasov, к.м.н. СувонкуловCandidate of Medical Sciences Suvonkulov A.S., Akilbaev D.D., Nurmukhamedov A.A., Nabiev S., Abdunabieva D.A., Associate professors; ЧChishev M. S., Tilavov U. Kh., Nosirov A.A., Narbaev T.T., TuraevaN.N., Bobokulov I.Kh., assistants; Baykhmedov F.F., Azizov T.I., worked. In 1992-Rector of the Institute, head of the Department, professor. At the initiative of Suleymanov, the Department of Pediatric Surgery was separated from the Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, and then the Department of Pediatric Traumatology and Orthopedics.
Suleymanov Aminboysuleymanovich(1938-2003)

Born in 1938, Uzbek, pediatric surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of TASHMI in 1961. 1961-1964-Chief physician of the Jandor District Central Hospital of Bukhara region. 1964-1969-clinical resident and post-graduate student of the Department of Surgical Diseases of TASHMI. In 1969-1972-Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgical Diseases of TASHMI. In 1972-1980-Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgical Diseases of Tashpmi (SAMPI), since 1980-Head of the department, Deputy Chairman of the specialized Academic Council. 1986-1987-Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of Tashpmi (SAMPI). From 1987 to 1997, he served as the rector of Tashpmi.
In 1973, he defended his PhD thesis on «”Eosacoccal disease in children”. In 1984, he defended his doctoral dissertation on thetopic “Restoration operations for anorectal neuroses in children”. 1980-1988. He worked as the chief pediatric surgeon of the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1984. At the initiative of Suleymanov, the ТашПМИdepartments of “pediatric operative nephrology and artificial kidney”, “cardiac surgery”,” pediatric gynecology“,” thoracic surgery“,” orthopedics“,” pediatric surgical infection “and” day hospital”were opened in the Tash PMI clinic. The Society “Children’s Surgery” of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established. ТашПМИA “Sanatorium ” was built and launched for TashPMI employeesСанаторий.
Under the leadership of Suleymanov, 6 doctors of sciences and 20 candidates of sciences were trained. Author of more than 250 scientific articles, 1 textbook, 5 monographs, 12 patents for inventions, 30 manuals. 1989-1995. Head of the Specialized Council of the TasPMI and founder of the journal “Pediatrics”, editor-in-chief. Chairman of the Association “Doctors of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “Children’s surgeons of Uzbekistan”. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Full member of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
Suleymanov’s rectorial activity program:
* Achieving the effectiveness of the transition to multi-level learning;
* Creation of new educational programs and manuals in the Uzbek language;
* Opening and development of a children’s diseases clinic;
* Establishment of the Republican Center for Pediatric Surgical Diseases;
* Preparation and implementation of general practitioner programs;
* Construction of a recreation area for staff, repair of academic buildings;
* Establishing scientific and practical relations with foreign countries;
* Conducting office work in the state language at the institute, conducting academic work in the state language.
* Writing a textbook” Children’s surgery ” in Uzbek. Tashkent-2000. Ibn Sina.
1. КопростазCoprostasis in children. Tashkent. 1993
2. Tumor diseases in children. Tashkent, 1994
3. Temporary colostomy in children. Tashkent, 1995
4. Outpatient proctology in children. Tashkent, 1995
5. 5. Hirschsprung ‘s disease in children. Tashkent, 1997
Aliev Makhmud Muslimovich

Born in 1947, Uzbek, pediatric surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of TASHMI in 1971. 1971-1975, Worked as a pediatric surgeon at Clinical Hospital No. 1. 1972-1974, served in the army, battalion med. P.I. Tchaikovsky. 1976-1979.2 completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow Medical Institute and defended his PhD thesis on “Volemic disorders in connection with operations and their correction in children”. 1978-1987. Assistant, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at SAMPI. In 1984, he was sent by the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan to assist the People’s Republic of Angola and for 3 years worked in the hospital at the Central University of the Republic, was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Embassy of the USSR and Angola. In 1987-1988, he worked as an assistant to the head of the Department of Personnel and Science of the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and on their initiative, a program was prepared in the republic to systematize the training and advanced training of personnel. In childhood, he began scientific work on the problem of portal hypertension and defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “pathological aspects of surgical treatment of intrahepatic blockage of portal circulation in children”. In 1991, he became a professor at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of TASHMI, and since 1993 he has held the position of head of the department. Since 1999, he worked as the General Director of JSC “Orthopedics” and the Republican Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. In 2003-2022, he worked as the Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Faculty of Pediatric Surgery of the Moscow ТашMedical Institute. M.MAliev is a member of the Association of Pediatric Surgeons of the CIS countries, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Surgery ofUzbekistan”. In 2005, M.M.initiated the 4th Scientific and practical conference of pediatric surgeons of Uzbekistan.
M.M. Alievdefended 18 PhD theses and 6 doctoral theses under his supervision. Aliev the author of 4 monographs, 11 author’s inventions, 20 teaching aids and more than 300 proverbs.
Rakhmatullaev Akmal Abadbekovich

Rakhmatullaev Akmal Abadbekovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, is currently working as the Head of the Department of Faculty Pediatric Surgery since March 2022. In 1996 he graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. 1996-1997 Assistant of the Department of Normal Anatomy. 1997-1998 pediatric surgeon of the consultative polyclinic. 1998-2004 Surgeon of the Department of Hemodialysis-Neprology. 2004-2009 Urologist-endoscopist, functional diagnostics laboratory. 2009-2012 Deputy Dean of the 2nd Faculty of Pediatrics. 2009 – 2012 Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery. In 2008 he defended his thesis on the topic “Differentiated correction of primary vesicoureteral reflux in children.” In 2014, he became an associate professor at the Department of Pediatric Surgery. 2014-2019 head of the magistracy department of TashPMI. 2019 “Diagnosis and treatment of congenital anomalies of the ureterovesical segment in children” defended the thesis of a doctor of medical sciences in the specialty 14.00.35 – pediatric surgery. Since 2019, he has been working as the dean of the 1st pediatric faculty.
Subjects of scientific research: pediatric urology, endourology, published more than 150 scientific papers. Co-author of the book “Children’s Surgery 2” in Russian and Uzbek, author of 6 patents, 3 monographs, more than 10 teaching aids.