Responsible for the scientific activities of the department: PhD, associate professor Ergashev J.D.
Scientific directions of the department
- “Clinics, pathogenesis and increasing the effectiveness of treatment of congenital and acquired diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ear” – head, MD, prof. Amonov Sh.E;
- “Prevention of major dental diseases in children” – head: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Gulyamov S.S.
Scientific problems:
- Correction and rehabilitation of congenital anomalies of ENT organs in children.
- Development of preventive measures for dental diseases in children
Scientific direction: “Etiopathogenesis, clinical picture and early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chronic and congenital diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ear ENT organs.”
Scientific research. - Over the past 5 years, 7 dissertations have been defended:
- Alimova D.D. (PhD – 2019);
- Karimov D.M. (PhD — 2019);
- Khamraeva V.Sh. (PhD – 2021);
- Mukhitdinov U.B. (DSc – 2020);
- Babakhanov G.K. (DSc – 2020);
- Ismatova K.A. (PhD – 2023);
- Mamatova Sh.R. (PhD – 2023);
Today, the department employs 6 doctors of science and 8 candidates of science, 3 professors and 6 associate professors.
Head of the department: Doctor of Sciences, Professor Amonov Shavkat Ergashevich
Department staff: doctor of medical sciences, prof. Amonov.Sh.E, Doctor of Sciences, Prof. Khasanov S.A., Doctor of Sciences, Prof. Karabaev Kh.E., Doctor of Sciences, Prof. Gulyamov S.S., Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor. Bobokhonov G.K., Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor. Mukhitdinov U.B., Ph.D., Associate Professor Jabbarova D.R., Ph.D., Associate Professor Makhkamova F.T., Ph.D., Associate Professor Yakubova F.Kh., Ph.D., Ass. Shukurova G.R., Ph.D. Rasulova N.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Abdullaev Kh.N., PhD associate professor Ergashev Zh.D., PhD associate professor Alimova D.D., PhD ass. Mamatova Sh.R., PhD ass. Nurmukhamedova.F,B., PhD ass. Ismatova K.A., ass. Salomov K.M., ass. Yakubov M.M., ass. Egamberdieva Z. D., ass. Saidmurodova N.
Degree of education of the department – 82%
Currently, the department is conducting the following research:
- “Comprehensive diagnosis and improvement of treatment of dysphonia” by assistant K.M. Salomov. for a PhD degree;
- “Balloon dilatation in the treatment of cicatricial stenosis of the larynx in children” by free applicant R. Dzhuraev, for the PhD degree;
- “Improving the diagnosis and treatment of curvatures of the nasal septum in children with superior retrognathia” by free applicant M.G. Babakhanov, for the PhD degree;
- “Improving the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the course of polypous rhinosinusitis in children” by associate professor of the department Alimova D.D., for the academic degree DSc;
- “Complex diagnosis and optimization of treatment of patients with vestibular schwannomas” by associate professor of the department Ergashev Zh.D., for the academic degree DSc;
- “Increasing the effectiveness of surgical treatment of open and closed options for surgical treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media based on the study of quality of life indicators” by assistant Nurmukhamedova F.B., for the academic degree DSc;
Scientific cooperation. The staff of the department actively cooperates with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Russia; Center for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria; Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela – Spain; Institute Georges Portmann (French Insitut Georges Portmann), research institute of otorhinolaryngology in France.
Student Scientific Society. Every year, bachelor’s, master’s and clinical residents participate in scientific research conducted at the department. The results of their scientific work are published in a collection of abstracts of a student scientific conference and win prizes.
Scientific conferences. Employees of the department regularly undergo internships and participate in congresses, conventions and conferences both in Uzbekistan and abroad. And also, the faculty of the department, within the framework of the Society of Otorhinolaryngologists of the Republic of Uzbekistan, annually participate in the organization of international scientific and practical conferences dedicated to current issues of otorhinolaryngology.
Scientific publications. Over the past 10 years, employees of the department have published about 800 scientific papers, including computer patents from the intellectual property agency.
Participation in scientific communities. The following employees of the department are members of the Scientific Council (DSc. 04/30.12.2019.Tib.29.01) at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute:
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Amonov Sh.E., (14.00.04 – Otorhinolaryngology);
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Khasanov S.A.., (14.00.04 – Otorhinolaryngology);
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Karabaev Kh.E., (14.00.04 – Otorhinolaryngology);
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gulyamov S.S., (14.00.21 – Dentistry);
The following department staff: - Doctor of Medical Sciences prof. Amonov Sh.E is an expert of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the discipline of otorhinolaryngology – 14.00.04;
- Doctor of Medical Sciences Prof., Gulyamov S.S. is a member of the scientific seminar at the Tashkent Dental Institute.
On the department of otorhinolaryngologist, child’s otorhinolaryngologist, students 507 groups of 1-pediatric faculty registered oneself on the base of data of SCOPUS and got more than 70 reasons on otorhinolaryngological diseases. On founding of these data in a group a scientific seminar is conducted on a theme: the “Acute diseases of farings” under the direction of assistant of Rasulova N.A.
Research work
Author of the article: assistant professor Rasulova N.A. Responsible for research work PhD, assistant professor Rasulova N.A. Photo Rasulova N.A.
The main escintific direction of the Department: “The improvement of diagnosis and treatment of upper respiratory tract and ear.” The scientific work of the chair is under way in the following areas:
• Improved methods of reconstructive microsurgery of the middle ear in chronic suppurative otitis media.
• Improved methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
• Improved treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.
• Design and creation of teaching aids, training films and programs.

During the existence of the chair and defended two doctoral dissertations, 22 PhD. Each year, members of the chair published in magazines in the country and abroad and 20 articles. Employees are actively involved in the organization of congresses, conferences, seminars. In contact with the leading clinics of the country and abroad. We actively participate in local and international conferences and workshops presenting our institute and defend the honor of the country. Level of scientific degree of staff Level of scientific degree of staff is 85%, average age – 45 years, teachers were trained in leading hospitals in Russia, Ukraine, Korea, Poland, France, Spain and Germany. Studied abroad.doc. About senior researchers Doctorate, also about SSS (Scientific Society of Students) Published works and patents Organizing workshops and conferences ENT association MD research PhD research Photogallery of the conferences Grants.
From Bobokhonov G. K., Khasanov S., Maksudov S. N., Bobokhonov M. G., Muzaffarov T. patent DGU 05213 with 12.03.18 ” surgical method of septoplasty in the treatment of congenital deformities of the nasal septum in children»
Assistant Saidov S. H. Defended his thesis on the topic Complex diagnostics and increasing the efficiency of treatment otites media with effusion in children
The department of ENT signed memorandum with the department of otorinolaringology, head and neck surgery of the medical university of Vienna.
The list of papers of the department published in foreign journals for 2017 y.
1. “Assessment of the state of hearing and audiometric configuration of patients with vestibular schwannomas before and gamma knife radiosurgery”
2. “The effectiveness of hirudotherapy in the complex treatment of nasal furuncles in children”
3. “Assessment of hearing from the dependence of treatment of various forms of chronic suppurative otitis media”
4. “Microbiological aspect of causative agents of chicken rhinosinusitis in children”
5. “Evaluation of anatomical structures in chronic purulent otitis media (CHSO) in the diagnostic aspect”
6. “Microbiological aspects of chronic purulent sinusitis in patients with HIV infection
8. “Improving the diagnosis of patients with peripheral cochleovestibular disorders”
9. “Samatosensory disorders in cochlear vestibular disorders”
10. “Evaluation of classical diagnostic vestibular tests in patients with cochleovestibular disorders”
11. “Improvement of diagnostic methods in patients with dizziness”
12. “Topical diagnosis in patients with central and peripheral cochleovestibular disorders”
13. “Perfection of the algorithm of vestibular dysfunction in outpatient settings”