Responsible for the Student Scientific Society (SSS) circle of the department: assistant Egamberdieva Z.D.
In March 2023, members of the SSS of the department at the international Olympiad “The Third Renaissance from the teachings of Abu Ali ibn Sina” – 4th-year student, 6th-year student of the Faculty of 1-Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine Alibek Khushmurodov became the winner of the 1st place prize in the subject “Otorhinolaryngology” at the international Olympiad “The Third Renaissance from the teachings of Abu Ali ibn Sina”. Scientific supervisor – candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department Jabbarova D.R., 4th year student of 2-Pediatrics and traditional medicine Zhumanazarov Otabek took 2nd prize Scientific supervisor – PhD Nurmukhamedova F .B., student of group 503 2-Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine Zarina Norkobilova won the 2nd place prize in the subject “Otorhinolaryngology” Scientific supervisor – Ph.D. Ismatova K.A, student 503-group 2-Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine Mamazhonova Inobat won the 3rd place prize in the subject “Otorhinolaryngology” Scientific supervisor – PhD. Associate Professor Alimova D.D.
On December 16-17, the third international subject Olympiad was held in Samarkand, at which 4th year student of the 2nd Faculty of Pediatrics Parvina Sattorova took the 2nd prize in the subject “Otorhinolaryngology” Scientific supervisor – ass. Egamberdieva Z.D., student student of 4 courses 2-Pediatrics and traditional medicine Zhumanazarov Otabek took 3rd prize Scientific supervisor – PhD Nurmukhamedova F.B., 403-group 2-Pediatrics and traditional medicine Abdusamatova Malika became the winner of the 3rd place prize in the subject “Otorhinolaryngology” Scientific supervisor – PhD. Ismatova K.A.
And also students of Erkinzhonova Navruz won the nomination “Scientific approach to solving the problem”, scientific supervisor associate K.M. Salomov, Evgeniy Khamidov won the nomination “Absolute champion” scientific supervisor PhD Mamatova Sh.R., Sattorov Mehriddin won nomination “The Most Erudite Participant”, scientific supervisor, DSc, dots. Mukhitdinov U.B., Nuriddinov Khusan won the nomination “Best in Practical Skills”, scientific supervisor, Doctor of Sciences, Prof. Karabaev Kh.E.,
4th year student of the 1st pediatric faculty Abidzhanova Malika won the “Best Practitioner” nomination at the International Otorhinolaryngology Olympiad of Samara Medical University. Scientific supervisor – PhD Nurmukhamedova F.B.
At the third international Olympiad “Virtuosi of Medicine” of the Tashkent Medical Academy, 4th year student Abdusamatova Malika took first prize, scientific supervisor Ph.D. Ismatova K.A.
On September 27, 2023, the first international Olympiad in ear surgery was held at Saratov Medical University, at which 2nd year resident Sardor Ochilov won the nomination “Best International Participant”. Scientific supervisor: head of the department, doctor of sciences, professor Amonov Sh.E.
Members of the department’s SSS are:
1. Sardor Ochilov—2nd year resident. Scientific supervisor: head of the department, doctor of sciences, professor Amonov Sh.E.
2. Mamajanova Inobat—4th year student 2-Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor Alimova D.D.
3. Parvina Sattorova is a 5th year Faculty of 2-Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine student. Scientific supervisor: ass. Egamberdieva Z.D.
4. Zhumanazarov Otabek – 5th year student of the 2nd Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine faculty. Scientific supervisor: PhD Nurmukhamedova F.B.
5. Norkobilova Zarina—6th year Faculty of Medicine, Pedagogy and Treatment student. Scientific supervisor: PhD Ismatova K.A.