Abdullaeva Vasila Karimbekovna
Head of Department
Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-1763-2461
- Phone: +998 (71) 291 58 05
- Email: vasila.abdullaeva@tashpmi.uz
Khodzhaeva Nazira Islamovna
Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0000-0000-0000
- Phone: +998 (93) 535 85 35
- Email: nazira_48@bk.ru
Sharipova Farida Kamilevna
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6491-208X
- Phone: +998 (90) 325 98 12
- Email: faridasharipova3005@gmail.com
Rogov Aleksey Vladimirovich
Responsible for
Scientific work
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-4911-4466
- Phone: +998 (90) 350 26 95
- Email: rav1985@mail.ru
Sattarov Timur Farkhadovich
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-3296-6160
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 31 26
- Email: timurs1987@gmail.com
Ganikhanov Abdurakhim Abdukhamitovich
Responsible for
Medical work
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-0669-1124
- Phone: +998 (99) 871 26 23
- Email: aganikhanov@gmail.com
Sayera Babarakhimova Borievna
Responsible for
Scientific work
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0830-9622
- Phone: +998 (90) 937 00 00
- Email: babaraximova@umail.uz
Rustamova Zhanna Timirkhanovna
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-7794-3686
- Phone: +998 (90) 357 91 80
- Email: janrust70@gmail.com
Matveeva Anastasiya Aleksandrovna
Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Senior lecturer-Free PhD candidate
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-5262-8700
- Phone: +998 (90) 168 43 66
- Email: anastasia.chistyakova@gmail.com
Nasirov Abdulaziz Akhmatullaevich
Responsible for
Material riches
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-1453-210X
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 46 00
- Email: a.a.nasirov@tashpmi.uz
Aliev Burkhon Arturovich
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0830-9622
- Phone: +998 (94) 642 10 15
- Email: alievburhan2006@gmail.com
Suleymanov Sunatulla Rakhimovich
Responsible for
Material riches
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Senior Lecturer
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-3948-1978
- Phone: +998 (90) 370 67 35
- Email: sunatullosuleymanov@gmail.com
Sultonova Kamola Bakhodirovna
Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-5262-8700
- Phone: +998 (71) 291 13 45
- Email: sultonovakamola2805@gmail.com
Nurkhodzhaev Sabir Nasirkhodzhaevich
Responsible for
International realtions
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant-PhD Student
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-8656-5592
- Phone: +998 (71) 262 34 03
- Email: sabir.nurkhodjaev@tashpmi.uz
Mukhtorov Bobur Adilbekovich
Responsible for
International realtions
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-2615-9146
- Phone: +998 (90) 716 16 18
- Email: b.mukhtorov@gmail.com
Abbasova Dilorom Sadiritdinovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0693-0378
- Phone: +998 (99) 837 99 71
- Email: ads17-28@mail.ru
Irmukhammedov Timur Bakhodirovich
Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant-Free PhD applicant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-4522-5126
- Phone: +998 (71) 291 13 45
- Email: mr.adibay@mail.ru