Theme of research department: “Study of the health of various groups of population in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the development of meropriyatiy on ego uluchsheniyu.” Professor Sh.T.Iskandarova studied the hygienic problems of water sources in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the level of pollution of water sources, the development of methods of managing water resources. As a result of studying the problem in Uzbekistan, he published a monograph “Sanitary protection of water supply sources in Uzbekistan for the first time in Chirchik and Axangarane.” In 2020, Professor Iskandarova Sh.T., Candidate. Abduraksimov Z.A. and Associate Professor Rasulova N.F. published a monograph entitled “Financing and management of medical quality assistants.” Associate Professor M.F. Fayzieva, M.I. Gasanova studied the importance of hygienic regulation of microbiological indicators in water bodies of Uzbekistan. Associate Professor N.F. Rasulova, N.S. Muxamedova and G.A. Djalilova studied the problems of soil hygiene in the Republic of Uzbekistan, proved the study of soil structures and sources of soil contamination, ecological safety of soil in Tashkent and published articles on this topic. Senior teacher Z.I.Otashexov, assistant A.A.Sadykova studied the disease of social and hygienic values ​​and their reasons, studied and analyzed the factors associated with the image of life. Assistant M.A. Odilova, N.A. Maksudova studied the personal characteristics of patients with cardiac-vascular diseases as a socio-pedagogical and hygienic problem of ecological education. Assistenty D. D. Mirdadaeva and Z. R. Sattarova sobrali i proanalizirovali dannye ob osobennostyax razvitiya etiki i deontologii v sestrinskom dele. Assistant N.M. Mirsaidova zanimalas organizatsiey pervichnoy meditsinskoy pomoshchi v prophylactic diabetes. Assistant L.Sh.Kravchenko studied the effectiveness of strategic planning in the health system. Doctoral student Mamedova G.B. Prepared and published a guide “Optimization of marketing services in private medical institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.” Nauchnye rabotы, podgotovlennыe sotrudnikami kafedry v 2020 godu: kolichestvo monografiy – 1, certificat EXM – 1, uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie – 2, obshchee kolichestvo statey – 42, v tom chisle: blijnee zarubeje – 26, Scopus – 4, kolichestvo zhurnal VAK in the republic – 14, Coefficient of citation: all – 205. In addition, the staff of the department participated in scientific-practical seminars, conferences. Total number of dissertations – 38 of nix: – in SNG – 16, in page – 22. Assistant F.M.Xamraeva at the department of TIJ. naznachen otvetstvennym. In this academic year 1 student 4 courses, 8 students 3 courses and 3 students 2 courses, 1 teacher OMX became members of TIT. Deyatelnost TIT provodylas v sootvetstvii s razrabotannыm planom. In the course of the year was organized and conducted 3 seminars on TTI. This seminar was held on the following topics with the participation of members of the circle “Ecology”. All prepodavateli chairmen kurirovali individualnuyu issledovatelskuyu rabotu chlenov TIT on vыbrannoy teme, pod rukovodstvom kotoroy bыli podgotovleny tezisy dlya nauchnoy konferentsii. Kolichestvo dissertatsiy, opublikovannyx so studentami v kachestve nauchnogo rukovoditelya – mestnыe – 17, inostrannyx – 4, Kolichestvo statey, opublikovannyx so studentami v kachestve rukovoditelya – inostrannogo – 8, Kolichestvo vsey, opublikovanitec zarhesti bishest – master , opublikovannyx magistrantami v kachestve nauchnogo rukovoditelya – mestnoe – 2. June 17, 2020 year nezavisimyy nauchnыy sotrudnik otdela Abduraximov Z.A. She defended her doctoral dissertation under the direction of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sh.T.Iskandarova.

National Development Program “Science-2020”

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