Responsible for the scientific activity of the department: candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Mukhamedova N.S.

Scientific direction of the department; “Study and development of measures to improve the state of health among different strata of the population in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, its director is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sh.T. Iskandarova.

Scientific problem: studying the health of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Scientific direction: “Improving the system of management and organization of modern treatment and prevention services for the population in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

Scientific research. During the last 5 years, 8 dissertations were defended:

1. Isaev E.S. (PhD – 2021);

2. Assistant Akbarkhojaev A.A. (PhD – 2021);

3. Mamedova G.B. (PhD – 2021);

4. Nazarova N.B. (PhD – 2021);

 5. Assistant Kravchenko L.Sh. (PhD – 2022);

6. Assistant Miosaidova H.M. (PhD – 2022);

7. Ergashev A.A. (PhD – 2023);

8. Vikhrov I.P. (PhD – 2023);

Today, the department has 1 professor, 12 candidates of science, 10 associate professors.

Head of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Iskanderova Shahnoza Tulkinovna

Scientific potential of the department – 68.4%

Currently, the following scientific research works are being carried out at the department:

1. “Improving continuity and consistency of medical care provided by family polyclinics and hospitals” basic doctoral student (PhD) Zakirhojayeva R.A.

2. Assistant “Medical and economic aspects of introduction of medical insurance in Uzbekistan” Berdimuratov D.U. candidate (PhD)

3. Applicant “Optimizing the use of big data technologies and artificial intelligence in health care of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (PhD) Vikhrov I.P.

4. “The role of nurses in the digitization of the healthcare system of the Republic of Uzbekistan” basic doctoral student (PhD) Daminova K.M.

Scientific cooperation. The staff of the department actively cooperates with the public health department of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University and the hygiene department of Kru State Medical University.

Student Scientific Society. Every year, bachelor’s and master’s students participate in scientific research conducted at the department. The results of their scientific work were published in the collection of abstracts of the student scientific conference. 4 students participated in hygiene and environmental science Olympiads.

Scientific conferences. Employees of the department regularly participate in congresses, conventions and conferences held in Uzbekistan and abroad. Thus, the staff of the department participate in the international scientific-practical conference “Environment and Public Health” held in cooperation with the Kru State Medical University every year in May. In addition, the department annually organizes international scientific and practical conferences dedicated to current issues of hygiene and public health.

Scientific publications. Over the past 10 years, the department’s employees have published more than 500 scientific articles, 650 theses, 8 monographs, and received 15 computer patents from the Intellectual Property Agency. Professor Sh.T. Iskandarova trained more than 10 candidates of medical sciences and 2 doctors of medical sciences.

National Development Program “Science-2020”

cooperation with China