Iskandarova Shakhnoza Tulkinovna

Head of Department

Autobiography: Read

Iskandarova Sh.T. Born in 1967 in the city of Tashkent. Since February 11, 2000, he has been working as the head of the Department of Public Health, Organization and Management of Health Care, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. In 1990, she graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute with a degree in sanitation, hygiene and epidemiology. By qualification - doctor, hygienist-epidemiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor. In 1993 she defended her thesis on the topic: "New toxico

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-9378-7492
Honorary state awards: 1

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 59
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Rasulova Nilufar Farkhadovna

Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study

Autobiography: Read

My name is Rasulova Nilufar Farhadovna. I was born on may 21, 1971 in the Forish district of the Jizzakh region. In 1988 I graduated from high school and entered the 1st year of the Central Asia Pediatric Medical Institute in 2020. I graduated from the Central Asian Pediatric Medical Institute in 1994. From 1994 to 2006 I worked as an assistatn at the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization of TashPMI, and from 2007 to 2012 i worked as an head teacher at the Department of Publi

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g0

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 27 74
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Eshdavlatov Bakhriddin Makhmatkulovich

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 27 74
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Voronina Natalya Vladimirovna

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Associate Professor-Dsc Doctoral Student
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g0

  • Phone: +998 (90) 325 56 75
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Fayzieva Mukhabbat Fayzievna

Autobiography: Read

I, Fayzieva Mukhabat, was born on April 12, 1939 in the city of Tashkent in the family of an employee. In 1957 she graduated from high school number 20, in the same year she entered the Tashkent State Medical Institute at the Faculty of Sanitation and Hygiene, and graduated from it in 1963. In January 1964, she began working as a junior researcher in the occupational pathology department of the Uzbek Scientific-Hygienic Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, where she co

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-7821-0556

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 27 74
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Nazarova Salima Kayumovna

Autobiography: Read

AUTOBIOGRAPHY I, Nazarova Salima Kayumova, was born on 5 Th October, 1954 in Chust city of the Namangan region. In 1961 entered the general education school No. 3 which was graduated from in 1971 receiving the Certificate of Education. In 1971 was enrolled in the Medical College at Namangan city. In 1973, i have graduating from the Medical College and joined the Chust Anti-Tuberculosis Hospital as a medical nurse. I have worked there until 1978. Further, i have successfully enrolled at the C

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-8820-490
Honorary state awards: 1

  • Phone: +998 (99) 893 53 38
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Navruzova Visola Sarimbekovna

Autobiography: Read

I Navruzova Visola Sarimbekovna was born on March 20, 1983 in Tashkent, in 2000 I graduated from high school and this year I entered the 1st year of I Tashkent State Medical Institute. I graduated from the Tashkent Medical Academy in 2007. From 2007 to 2008, she studied for a clinical intern at the Republican Scientific Center of Oncology, in 2013 she graduated with a master's degree in healthcare from TashPMI, and in 2018 she defended her PhD thesis. Since 2017, I have been working as an assist

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-5375-6245

  • Phone: +998 (71) 246 22 88
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Dzhalilova Gulchekhra Azamovna

Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study

Autobiography: Read

I, Jalilova Gulchehra Azamovna, was born on April 23, 1967 in the city of Tashkent. In the years 1974-1984 I studied at secondary school No. 59. In 1984, I entered the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute. In 1990, I passed an internship at the SamPI clinic and received the specialty of a neonatologist. In parallel with this year, I started my activity at the Department of General Hygiene as an assistant. In 2000, I continued my activities at the Department of Public Health and the organiza

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0490-309

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 27 74
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Khasanova Mamura Ikramovna

Autobiography: Read

Khasanova M.I. 03/05/1954 was born in Tashkent. In 1979 Graduated from Tashkent State Medical Institute with a degree in Sanitation, Hygiene and Epidemiology. 1979-1984 Assistant of the Department of Microbiology, Immunology with Virology, Tashkent State Medical Institute. 1984-1999 Junior Researcher, Scientific and Senior Researcher NIIGSPZ MH RUz. 1999-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Healthcare, Tashkent State Medical Institute, Department of General and Radiation Hygiene TMA. From 201

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Associate Professor-PhD Student
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-9968-4785

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 59
  • Email:

Asadova Gulnara Akmalovna

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-8811-9502

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 31 26
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Mukhamedova Nigora Saydimukhtarovna

Responsible for
Scientific work

Autobiography: Read

I am Mukhamedova Nigora Saydimukhtarovna, was born on April 24, 1972 in Tashkent, Yunusobat district. In 1989, she graduated from high school and entered the Tashkent Medical Institute, which she graduated in 1995. From 1995-1998 worked as a pediatrician in family clinic number 5 in Tashkent. 1998-2001 Postgraduate studies at TashPMI, from 2001-2013. worked at the Department of Public Health, Organization and Management of Healthcare of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. From 2013 to the pre

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g0

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 59
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Sadyvakasov Akram Ubaydullaevich

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-5690-3730

  • Phone: +998 (93) 389 21 87
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Sattarova Zebo Rasulovna

Autobiography: Read

Autobiography I, Sattarova Zebo Rasulovna, was born on October 8, 1965, in the Pakhtachinsky district of the Samarkand region in a family of workers. From 1972 to 1982 I studied at school number 7 in the same area and graduated from 10 classes.From 2001-2004, a student of TashPMI.From 2004-2010 assistant of the Department of Public Health and Health Management.From September 2010 to 2012, the master of TashPMI in the direction "Management and organization of nursing".From 2012 to present assist

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Senior Lecturer
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-8513-8225

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 27 74
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Mirdadaeva Dilfuza Davlatovna

Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring

Autobiography: Read

I , Mirdadaeva (Umarova ) Dilfuza Davlatovna was born a 29 June in 1967 in Tashkent region .I went to school named after Orjonikidze in 1974. In 2005 I entered The Higher Nursing Faculty of Pediatric Medical Insitute. In 2008 I graduated the bachelor degree, than in 2009 I entered the Master degree in Managament in nursing work of this Insitute.In 2011I graduated the Master degree. Since 2012 I have been working as an assistant at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Insitute

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6729-3093

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 27 74
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Odilova Madina Abduzhalilovna

Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring

Autobiography: Read

Odilova Medina Abdujalilovna was born in 1976 year in the city of Tashkent. In 1995 he entered the second Tashkent State Medical University 2001 year graduated from the Institute Since 2002, she has been working as an assistant at the Department of Public Health

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Senior Lecturer
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-7717-236X

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 59
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Kravchenko Lenara Shodievna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g0

  • Phone: +998 (94) 940 55 55
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Otashekhov Zokirzhon Ismoilovich

Responsible for
Material riches

Autobiography: Read

I Atashikov Zakirjan Ismailovich was born on 20 Nov 1960 in Tajikistan. Went to high school in the years 1968-1978. In 1978, he entered the Central Asian pediatric medical Institute. In 1982-1984, he served in the army. In 1990, he graduated from the Institute and started working at the Department of Social hygiene as an assistant. In 1992-1997, he worked as an assistant at the Department of propaedeutics of children's diseases. From 1997 to the present, I have been working as a senior lecturer

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Senior Lecturer
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0989-7200

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 27 74
  • Email:

Berdimuratov Davron Usmanovich

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 6162-7985-84

  • Phone: +998 (97) 719 55 88
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