The spiritual and educational work of the department is being carried out according to the plan. Most of the employees of the department are curators.

The living conditions of the students living in the rented accommodation have been determined. Complete information about the students has been collected, and educational work is being carried out by regular meetings.

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Department of “Public Health and Health Management”.


Attended: the head of the department, Professor Iskandarova Sh.T., associate professors, senior teachers and assistants of the department.


  1. Priorities and strategic plans of the future activity of the department in the 2023-2024 academic year
  2. On the promotion of the information provided by the Department of Spirituality on the occasion of the “32nd anniversary of our independence” to all educational groups by the department PPS.

Spoke: Head of the Department, Professor Iskandarova Sh.T.


During the years of independence, peace, harmony and tolerance were firmly established. The feelings of respect for elders, honor for children, and kindness have taken a deep place in people’s hearts and minds. Commemorating the memory of our ancestors and honoring the elderly who have done their noble deeds in a peaceful process, who have served in our ranks today, has become an integral part of our spiritual life.

On the days of independence, it is a good tradition to honor the memory of the luminaries of our nation, to remember their services, and to pray for their souls is one of our best deeds. For this purpose, on August 31 of this year, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev participated in the commemoration ceremony of the victims of repression on the “Martyrs’ Memorial” avenue.

During this ceremony, the Koran was recited, prayers were said for the deceased, and food was served. Because they were striving for the freedom of our people, for safe and free days like today. This date means that devotion to the Motherland will not be forgotten, it will always be appreciated.

At this ceremony, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev made the following remarks:

Every time we come here, we are comforted by remembering our brave grandfathers who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our people. Remembering them and continuing their good work is both a debt and a duty for us. The fate of our oppressed leaders motivates all of us to value our independence and preserve it. Living in such independence and peace is a great blessing and blessing of God Almighty. For this, it is necessary to appreciate it with gratitude.

We are doing a lot of work to restore this justice. Commissions were formed with the participation of historians, archival documents are being studied. In the last two years, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan acquitted more than 850 people, this year 240 such victims of our compatriots. We should never stop such research. Because our people should know the truth

We built museums, books are published, most of them are published. But it should not be forgotten. In my opinion, it would be both a merit and an example if we write down the names of the documents in the neighborhood where the victims of repression were born or where their descendants live today. In addition, it is necessary to visit their homes on such holidays and memorial days. Why do we go home to war veterans and not remember the victims of repression?! The life of each of them is heroic. We need to study it, campaign and teach it to our youth

Our people should know and be proud of that period. Young people should ask themselves the question: “Our grandfathers fought for independence and did not spare themselves. What are we doing for independence?” What is the solid foundation of independence? First of all, patriotism, knowledge, spirituality. We need to create such a spirit of patriotism and gratitude in our society.

Mirdadayeva D.D. head of spirituality of the department, spoke

They emphasized the need to present the presentation dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of our independence in educational groups.

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Department of “Public Health and Health Management”.


Attended: the head of the department, Professor Iskandarova Sh.T., associate professors, senior teachers and assistants of the department.


Mastering the presentation “Language is the mirror of the nation” with students.

Spoke: Head of the Department, Professor Iskandarova Sh.T.

“Language is the mirror of the nation”

Language is a strong bridge connecting the past, present and future of a nation. If it cracks, any nation will completely lose its identity, its spiritual image. Language is the main criterion of culture, enlightenment, morality, education and personal development. If this criterion is damaged, it is inevitable that the nation will face decline and the absence of its beautiful and eternal values. Let’s not forget that the colorful image of human spiritual experiences, the lively nature of his thoughts, the bright image of the observation of will and freedom in the idea of nature, is manifested through the charm, charm, inexhaustible and unique power of the mother tongue.

Language, nation, state… These three concepts cannot be imagined separately from each other. Everyone speaks in his native language, thinks in his native language, feels in his native language, dreams in his native language… Language is national pride and national pride. Language is not only a means of communication, it expresses the inner world of a person, helps him to understand the world deeply, defines his outlook and maturity. That is why there is a developing country on earth that tries to raise the status of its language.

According to estimates, fifty million people in the world speak Uzbek. This means that one out of every 150 people of the world speaks Uzbek. According to the number of speakers, the Uzbek language is one of the 40 most widely spoken languages on the planet, each of which is spoken by at least 30 million people. The national traditions of the Uzbek people, which have been formed over the centuries and are alive and glorified to this day, examples of oral creativity, historical, scientific, religious and literary sources that are being researched by our scientists, are the product of the creative power of the Uzbek language. It is known that history has many times witnessed the step-motherly attitude towards the mother tongue, the blind encouragement of foreign languages, and the humiliation of the language that a person speaks and communicates. . However, the magical power of the language, which ensures the integrity of the nation and nurtures a sense of pride in the human heart, has strengthened trust and faith in it in different eras.

Mirdadayeva D.D., head of spirituality of the department, spoke

In addition, our linguists periodize the history of the Uzbek language as follows:

The oldest Turkic language (up to VI century).
Ancient Turkic language (VI-XI centuries).
Old Turkic language (XI-XIII centuries).
Old Uzbek literary language (XIV-XIX centuries).
New Uzbek literary language (XIX-XX centuries).
Modern Uzbek literary language.

It can be seen that the historical roots of the Uzbek language go back to very ancient times. The Sultan of Ghazal, the great poet Navoi considers the word as the basis of the creation of the world and glorifies his career, saying that even a gem can’t match a precious thing like a word and gives the following definition of a word:

So‘z guhariga erur oncha sharaf,

Kim bo‘la olmas anga gavhar sadaf.

Donau dur so‘zini afsona bil,

So‘zni jahon bahrida durdona bil

Another great poet, exponent and theorist of the art of oratory, thinker, Husayn Vaiz Koshifi says about the power of words:

If they ask whether the word is yours or you are the word, say: I am the word and the word is mine, because the word is the fruit of the human tree, the tree cannot be separated from the fruit and the fruit from the tree.”

Our writers often acknowledge the sanctity of the language and the fact that a nation cannot be formed without a mother tongue.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev:

“The Uzbek language, one of the oldest and richest languages in the world, is for our people a symbol of our national identity and independent statehood, a priceless spiritual wealth, a great value. “Whoever wants to feel all the grace, charm and power of the Uzbek language, and its limitless possibilities, should listen to the allas of our Munis mothers, our thousand-year-old epics, our immortal statuses, and listen to the magical songs of our bakhshi and hafiz.”

they remind us how important our language is.

We should admit that today the Uzbek language is taught in about 60 higher educational institutions and more than 100 schools of several developed countries.

Scientists and specialists published encyclopedias and dictionaries, textbooks and training manuals related to science and various fields. A five-volume “Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek Language” was created, which includes examples of our classic literature, terms related to science, technology, industry, culture and other fields, and words used in dialects.
On October 21, 2019, the head of our state adopted a decree “On measures to fundamentally increase the prestige and status of the Uzbek language as a state language“. According to it, October 21 was designated as “Uzbek language holiday” in Uzbekistan.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan emphasized the need to raise the status of our language and to pay attention to the purity of our people’s language: “Each of us considers attention to the state language as attention to independence, respect and loyalty to the state language, respect to the motherland. and we should regard it as loyalty, and make such a view the rule of our lives. We should all start this noble movement from ourselves, our family and community, respect our mother tongue, traditions and values, and show our love for the Motherland in practical activities.