07/27/2023 assistant of the Department of Neonatology Tursunbaeva F.F. defended her thesis at the Scientific Council DSc 04/30.12.2019.Tib.29.01 on the topic: “Clinical and diagnostic significance of neurospecific factors in perinatal lesions of the central nervous system in premature newborns”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in specialty 14.00.09 – Pediatrics (medical sciences).
On January 23, 2023, assistant of the Department of Neonatology Khodzhimetova Sh. Kh. defended her dissertation work on the topic: “Molecular genetic aspects of the development of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in newborns” at the One-time Meeting of the Scientific Council DSc.02/30.12.2019.Tib.50.01 , submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) in specialty 14.00.36 – Allergology and Immunology, 14.00.09 – Pediatrics (medical sciences)
Assistants of the Department of Neonatology Tursunbaeva F.F. and Khodzhimetova Sh.Kh. made their presentations at the 1st Congress of Pediatric Doctors of the Republic of Uzbekistan “CURRENT ISSUES IN PRACTICAL PEDIATRICS” on May 19-20, 2023.
National development program “Science 2023”.
Target: Increasing the efficiency of research activities of the teaching staff of the Department of Neonatology under the National Development Program Science – 2023”, expanding access to international educational resources, electronic catalogs and databases of modern scientific literature.
Registration: All 11 employees of the Department of Neonatology are registered in the international scientific and technical database Scopus.com and Sciencedirect.com.
Downloaded information on specialty: All employees of the Department of Neonatology downloaded 2035 information sources from the international scientific and technical database Scopus.com and Sciencedirect.com.
Scientific direction of the department: “The state of internal organs in newborns born with perinatal pathology during the adaptation period.”
The degree of the department is 63.6%.
Doctors of Medical Sciences – 2
Candidates of Medical Sciences – 2
PhD – 3
Published in 2023:
— Articles — 9
— Abstracts — 18
Participation of department staff at conferences, congresses and conventions:
• The teaching staff of the Department of Neonatology, in collaboration with the international organization UNICEF, held an international conference on the topic “Immunoprophylaxis in children” on February 11-12, 2020. At the end of the conference, all participants received certificates and gifts provided by the international organization UNICEF.
• On May 27, 2020, an online seminar was held in ZOOM format on the topic “Slovenian experience in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19” in collaboration with specialists from Slovenia and professors from the Department of Neonatology.
Applicants: Tukhtaeva U.D., Abdukodirova M.K., Suleymanova L.I. The department is actively involved in the work of scientific and scientific research; over the entire period of its existence, more than 150 reports have been made; annually, student theses, developed together with the scientific advisor, are published in a collection of theses. The department trains 21 clinical residents and 9 masters. Since 1996, the department has defended 7 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations, published more than 500 scientific articles, 15 textbooks, 25 teaching aids, 6 monographs.
Applicants: Tukhtaeva U.D., Abdukodirova M.K., Suleymanova L.I.
The department is actively involved in the work of scientific and scientific research; over the entire period of its existence, more than 150 reports have been made; annually, student theses, developed together with the scientific advisor, are published in a collection of theses. The department trains 21 clinical residents and 9 masters. Since 1996, the department has defended 7 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations, published more than 500 scientific articles, 15 textbooks, 25 teaching aids, 6 monographs.
Master’s degree graduates in 2023 defended master’s theses on the following topics: (2020-2023):
1. Full name: Kuchkarova Iroda Dilmurodjon kizi Specialty: 70910306 – neonatology Topic: “Features of the course of the neonatal period in newborns with diabetic fetopathy” Supervisor: Associate Professor. Ph.D. Gulyamova M.A. Purpose of the study: to evaluate the clinical and laboratory features of the adaptation period in newborns with diabetic fetopathy. Research objectives: 1. Identify perinatal risk factors for the development of diabetic fetopathy in newborns. 2. To study the features of the early neonatal period in newborns with diabetic fetopathy. 3. Assess the characteristic features of the course of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system in newborns with diabetic fetopathy. Implementation date: 2023
2. Full name: Sadokat Naimzhonovna Aslanova Specialty: 70910306 – neonatology Topic: “Physiological and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in full-term newborns under conditions of free breastfeeding” Manager: assistant. PhD.Khodzhimetova Sh.Kh. Purpose of the study: to study the prevalence, risk factors and features of the course of physiological and neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in full-term newborns under conditions of free breastfeeding. Research objectives: 1. Analyze the relationship between maternal health and the course of the labor process with the development and severity of hyperbilirubinemia in a full-term newborn baby. 2. To study the relationship between the features of the period of early adaptation of the newborn with the presence and severity of hyperbilirubinemia and the features of the clinical picture of hyperbilirubinemia depending on the level of bilirubin in the serum 3. To study the relationship between the degree of increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood serum and the time of the first attachment to the breast, the formation of lactation, sucking activity and the nature of adaptation of the newborn. Implementation date: 2023
3. Full name: Toshova Kamola Zarifovna Specialty: 70910306 – neonatology Topic: “Perinatal outcomes and adaptation features of newborns born with anorectal atresia in the pre- and postoperative period” Supervisor: Associate Professor. PhD. Khojamova N.K. Purpose of the study: to study the adaptation features of newborns born with anorectal atresia in the pre- and postoperative period. Research objectives: 1. Identify priority risk factors for the development of anorectal atresia. 2. To study the nature of the course of the neonatal period in newborns with anorectal atresia before and after surgical treatment. 3.Identify significant perinatal outcomes in newborns with anorectal atresia. Implementation date: 2023
4. Full name: Akhmadalieva Luiza Gairatzhonovna Specialty: 70910306 – neonatology Topic: “Prognostic value of lymphopenic conditions in newborns with severe neonatal pathologies” Manager: assistant. Tursunbaeva F.F. Purpose of the study: to establish the diagnostic and prognostic value of lymphopenic conditions in newborns with severe neonatal pathological conditions. Research objectives: 1. Determine the average count of lymphocytes, leukocytes, neutrophils in newborns in various postnatal periods in severe neonatal pathological conditions (local bacterial infection, neonatal sepsis, intrauterine infection). 2. To identify the frequency of occurrence of lymphopenia in newborns in various postnatal periods in severe neonatal pathological conditions (LBI, NS, IUI). 3. To study the frequency of occurrence of concomitant pathologies in the neonatal period in newborns with lymphopenia in severe neonatal pathological diseases (LBI, NS, IUI). Implementation date: 2023