Training of students 4, 6 courses pediatric, medical-pedagogical, therapeutic faculties is carried out in program X-Ray diagnosis and therapy.
• the course is preparing highly qualified specialists in the areas of residency and magistracy
Training is taken according to approved for every course and faculty documents:
– Qualified characteristics;
– State standard;
– Standard (Type) program;
– Working program includes:
– changes according to Order №80, HM RUz;
– approved diagnosis standards;
– international recommendations;
– modern educational technologies(graphic organizers, case method and technology of the project).
There are the next technical maintenance for training:
T.V. communicative system are T.V.sets in all studies,they are connected up to central computer for transmitting tipicalvideofilms,presentating,multimediamaterials,lectures and practical lessons by all parts of program, rich banc of scanning pictures for iniform training.
• More than 100 names of educational literature in the library: they are English, Uzbek, and Russian.
• Electronic library includes: textbooks, atlases, training methodic means, academic means and others.
Thematic inspection of patients for students is organized in the offices of ultrasound and x-ray diagnostics