Department of Pharmacology, Tashkent Pediatric Institute was established in 1972. The department included the head, Chair, Associate Professor 3 assistants, senior laboratory technician and 4. Chair has been appointed MD, Professor Sanat Sobirovna Azizova candidate appointed assistant professor of Medicine Villi Zamirovich Mazgutov, assistants: c.m.s., Tashmukhamedova Farida Shermatovna, Gulyamov Gayrat Gulyamovich, N.H Kadyrov, senior laboratory Taybaeva M. S., laboratory Park, N.M, Mirzakhidova M.N Gulyamov R.O Eshonhodzhaev D. From subject of pharmacy practice courses and lectures for students 3 – course in deliver in Russian. Lectures delivered by S.S.Azizova V.Z.Mazgutov, practices held assistants. Azizov Sanat Sobirovna, MD, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek, was born in 1934. From 1972 to 2005, headed the Department of Pharmacology. By S.S.Azizova was written four textbooks of pharmacology for students 3rd year medical school, 3 monographs, 6 authors’ evidence, 16 teaching aids, 3 brochures and more than 200 scientific articles and abstracts. SS Azizova involved with scientific reports in international congresses and symposia (Prague, Dehli, Sofia, Poznan, Eskisaher – Turkey) at a high level were presented by scientists of Uzbekistan role in medicine. In 1992 she was awarded the title of Honored scientist of Uzbekistan. In 1998, she participated in the “Ustoz” held in the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education, and graduated first grade “The best scientific leadership 1998th year.” In 2000 he received a diploma of 1 degree for the textbook “Pharmacology” and was awarded a cash prize. Under her leadership, studied hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antiatherosclerotic properties of the connections of the new coordination and herbal extracts, and are protected, candidate and doctoral dissertations. Professor S.S Azizova created a school pharmacologists. Under her leadership reserved seven doctors, 21 candidates. Under the leadership of S.S Azizova been fully investigated and hepatoprotective action antianemic coordinating connections of phytate cobalt. By A.A.Abdusamatov has been studied hepatoprotective effect of kobavit in 1997 when the Ministry of Health Pharmacological Committee of Uzbekistan has been approved for the treatment of hepatitis. In 1998, April 15 Pharmacological Committee at the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan has been approved for clinical trial phytate cobalt. In 1994, (again in 2000, 2002, 2006) by S. Azizova released a textbook for students of third year medical school, in Uzbek Cyrillic, Russian, Latin script, and two e-books in Uzbek and Russian languages. By Professor S.S.Azizova was released textbook for medical students “Pharmacology” in Uzbek and Russian 2 times (1994, 2000, 2002) and in the Latin alphabet in 2006. In 2005 S.S.Azizova and D.I.Ahmedova released e-book “Pharmacology”, which buyout is widely used in all medical universities. In 2005, the month of December of the Academic Council TashPMI chair was appointed professor A.A.Abdusamatov.

A.A.Abdusamatov in 2009 from April 1, the decision of the Academic Council TashPMI was appointed dean of the medical and educational and medical faculties. Abdusamatov Abdulaziz Abdulatipovich MD, professor uzbek was born in 1961, in 2005 in the month of December to October 2012 he worked as head of the department. He has published 13 study guides, over 130 scientific works. In 2011, the Cabinet of Ministers of the A.A Abdusamatov appointed as vise-rector for research. Until October 2012, he worked as provost and head. Department of Pharmacology.

Currently head of the Department since 2013, was appointed MD, professor Aminov Salohidin Dzhuraevich. S. D. Aminov studied the pharmacological properties of new coumarins, flavonoids and alkaloids isolated from different plant species growing on the territory of Uzbekistan. S. D. Aminov 4 received the copyright certificate. Published more than 75 scientific articles. He is a member of the Specialized Council at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute (14.00.17-pharmacology and clinical pharmacology) and of the editorial Board of the journal “New day in medicine”. Member of the social democratic party “Adolat”.

On June 9, 2016, on behalf of the staff of the institute, the head of the department of pharmacology and physiology, candidate of biological sciences S.D. Aminov congratulated the hero of the day.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 1 senior teacher and 3 assistants worked at the Department of Pharmacology. Assistant Mirzaakhmedov K.T. completed her doctoral studies, submitted her dissertation to the Specialized Council and successfully defended it. In the 2023-2024 academic year, the Department of Pharmacology has 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 2 senior teachers and 1 assistant.