Department of ” Pharmacology “
Scientific direction of the department: Study gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, gipolipi -pandemic, antiatherosclerotic properties of new compounds isolated from medicinal plants, coordination compounds and their introduction into medical practice. At the department the amount of the faculty is 5 persons, one of them – Professor, Associate Professor -1, 3 assistants. Scientific potential of the department is 40%. Professor C. D. Aminov participated at the international conference: international scientific-practical conference “Pharmaceutical education, science and production is the reference point for the strategy Kazakhstan-2020” October 24, 2014. Shymkent held, in Shymkent. ACC.Mirzaahmedova K. T. entered doktorantura from January 2015. Thesis: “a Pharmacological study of complex compounds of phytin and new derivatives of glycyrrhizic acid. Supervisor D. M. N. Professor C. D. Aminov. This year, 4 published articles and 5 abstracts. Aminоv S. D. participated with a report “Knowledge of pharmacotherapy by doctors, is an indicator of their high skills” at the International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of pharmacy and medicine” 29 may 2015. Chimkent. Head of Department of pharmacology S. D. Aminov, K. S. Dalimova published the article “Knowledge of pharmacotherapy by doctors, is an indicator of their high qualification” in the scientific journal “Vestnik” of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Assistant Professor of pharmacology Sh.T.Ziyaeva and M. T. Niyazova published the article “Efficacy of maltofer and aktiferrin in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in preschool children” in the scientific journal “Vestnik” of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Assistants of the Department A.O. Kaldybaeva and G. A. Karimova published the article “the Influence of a combination of licorice, herbs immortelle sandy and Shilajit on the antioxidant system in chronic hepatitis” in the scientific journal “Vestnik” of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Associate Professor of the Department Sh.T.Ziyaeva in 2015 has releasedthe monograph “Investigation of drug piratesin experimental atherosclerosis”. Members of the Departmentin 2015 has published articlesinlocal journals – 3 international journals – 6. In scientific conferences published 3thesis. Senior researcherof the Department K.T. Mirzaahmedova publishedin 2015 2 articles and 5 abstracts.
The head of the department S.D.Aminov has been published the monograph “Pharmacological Properties of the Benzopyrones and Flavonoids Allocated from a Tselnolistnik, a Yantak and a Glycyrrhiza”.
Employees of the Department of pharmacology, physiology TashPMI Mirzaakhmedova K. T., Aminov S. D. participated with the thesis at the conference “pharmacy: science, education innovation and production”, which was held on November 17-18, 2017 at the Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute.
Staff of department of pharmacology in 2017-2018 academic year has published the 5th articles: in foreign magazines-4, local magazines – 1. The assistant K.T. Mirzaakhmedova has finished doctoral studies and has handed over scientific dissertation work in Specialized Council for protection.
The assistant to department K.T. Mirzaakhmedova was protected on the subject “Efficiency Fitina-S and the Glitsitrinat at Experimental Hepatitis and Stomach Ulcer of a Stomach” – in the specialty 14.00.17 – pharmacology and clinical pharmacology the doctor of philosophy (PhD) on medical sciences. Protection took place 29.10.2018 at a meeting of Scientific council at the Tashkent medical academy.
Student Scientific Society .In 2015, 43-student conference was attended by 9 students, student 305 – groups of the medical -pedagogical faculty Chechenina N. M. participated with a report “Infertility associated with pathology of the thyroid gland “. Scientific works of the other students was published in a scientific journal. At the scientific student conference was also attended by 4 students and published 4 articles.Staff of department of pharmacology actively participated on the 44 th scientific and practical conferences of students of TashPMI. They have published 7 theses. Associate professor Sh.T.Ziyaevoy students was is published 1 scientific article and 5 theses in foreign conferences.
Senior researcher K. T. Mirzaahmedova with M. D. S. D. Aminov participated in the 3rd all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Medical and biological aspects of multifactorial diseases”. (The Kursk. 17-19 may 2016) of the scientific article.
Staff of department of pharmacology actively participated on the 45 th scientific and practical conferences of students of TashPMI. They have published 7 theses.
Staff of department of pharmacology actively participated on the 46th scientific and practical conferences of students of TashPMI. They have published 4 theses and 2 theses at the Samarkand medical institute.
At the first stage of the Olympiad in pharmacology participated 20 students of the 3rd year, the first place was taken by a student of 312 – group 1 – pediatric faculty Musaeva B.I.. The Republican stage of the Olympiad which was held by TashFarmi Musayeva B.I. actively participated and was awarded a certificate. The head of the senior teacher Karimova G.A.

On September 13-14, 2019, Namangan hosted the international forum of medicine and pharmacy on the theme “The Role of investment and innovation in the development of medicine and pharmacy in the XXI century”. At the international forum the head of the Department of pharmacology, physiology of TashPMI professor S. D. Aminov participated with the report “Actual problems of development of dosage forms for children”.
Study of the mechanism ofa antiulcer action of the drag “Glisitrenat”
Defense of scientific work.
Gulchehra Almardonovna Karimova defended her dissertation on September 15, 2023 on the topic: “Effect of darmonal and phytin compounds on liver function in experimental hepatitis”.