Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute announces the start of admission for foreign citizens to study in bachelor’s, master’s and clinical residency in the 2024/2025 academic year.

In order to create convenience for foreign citizens applying to study at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in the 2024/2025 academic year, documents will be accepted online on the official website of the Institute.

Online link for applying for Bachelor’s degree for foreign citizens:

Online link for applying for a Master’s degree for foreign citizens:

Online link for submitting documents to a clinical residency for foreign citizens:

Admission of documents for bachelor’s, master’s and clinical residency for foreign citizens will be carried out online starting from July 1, 2024.

Information on the procedure for submitting documents for foreign citizens can be obtained by clicking on the link below:

The date of the entrance tests for admission of foreign citizens to the bachelor’s, master’s and clinical residency of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute will be announced on the official website of the Institute.


General characteristic in the field of education “General Medicine” – 60910200

The direction of education “General Medicine” is included in the continuing educational standard of specialties of the national classifier of professions and specialties.

The standard duration of full-time education is 6 years.

Specialization – General Practitioner (GP).

General practitioner should be prepared:
– to receive additional professional education of the retraining and advanced training system;
– to independent work in the direction in posts to be replaced by persons with higher education;
– to continue higher education in a magistracy in a chosen specialty within the corresponding direction of undergraduate studies.

Place of the direction in health care:
“General Medicine” is a direction of healthcare education, which includes a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and special knowledge used to protect and promote health, prevention and treatment of diseases.

General practitioner can work:
at higher and secondary special medical institutions, state institutions (rural and city medical centers, outpatient clinics, emergency and emergency medical services) of non-state medical institutions in the form of private, individual activity.

Objects of professional activity – treatment and monitoring of healthy and sick in the health care system.

Types of professional activity – medical prophylaxis, emergency and emergency medical care, diagnostic and treatment assistance, rehabilitation, social and hygienic assistance, organization of research and methodological work.


General characteristic of the direction “Pediatrics” – 60910300

The direction was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 16, 2001 No. 343.

The standard duration of study in full-time education is 6 years.

Specialization: General pediatrician.

General pediatrician should be trained:
– to independent work in the direction of education in positions to be replaced by persons with higher education;
– to continue higher education in a magistracy in a chosen specialty within the corresponding direction of undergraduate studies;
– to receive additional professional education in the system of retraining and advanced training.

Place of the direction in health care:
“Pediatrics” – a direction in the field of health care, which includes a combination of means, knowledge, methods and methods of human activity used to protect and promote children’s health, prevention and treatment of childhood diseases.


General characteristic of the direction “Higher Nursing Education” – 60910600

The direction was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 10, 1998 UP-2107.

The standard duration of study in full-time education is 4 years.

Specialization: Specialist of higher nursing.

Specialist of higher nursingshould be trained:
– to independent work in the direction of education in positions to be replaced by persons with higher education;
– to continue higher education in a magistracy in a chosen specialty within the corresponding direction of undergraduate studies;
– to receive additional professional education in the system of retraining and advanced training.

Place of the direction in health care:
Higher Nursing Education” – a direction in the field of health care, which includes a combination of means, knowledge, methods and methods of human activity used to solving the main problems of improving the health of patients using modern methods, fulfilling medical and social tasks at the primary level of the healthcare system, cover a complex set of issues related to the provision of nursing care in specialized high-tech medical institutions at various levels.


General characteristic of the direction “Fundamental medicine” – 60910700

The direction was organized on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system”.

The standard duration of full-time education is 4 years.

60910700 – Professional activity of bachelors in the direction of “Medical biology”:
– scientific and pedagogical;
– scientific research;
– medical diagnostic;
– medical and social;
– organization and management.

Also, a graduate of this educational direction can teach specialized subjects in secondary specialized educational institutions after undergoing retraining.