Activity of department of clinical internship is regulated by Laws «About formation», «About the national program of a professional training» and other is standard-legal documents. It is a part of multilevel structure of the higher medical education which problem is preparation of highly skilled experts for independent work in public health services establishments.
Now preparation in clinical internship is carried out on 23 specialities on 23 chairs TashPmI in the modern well equipped clinics using the advanced methods of diagnostics and treatment, new technologies. Leading experts of institute and specialised scientifically research centres according to the educational standards confirmed by Ministry of Health of Republic Uzbekistan are engaged in preparation of clinical interns. Preparation of experts through clinical internship to be spent within 2 years.
Training and specialised preparation of clinical interns on bases of leading medical clinics: clinic of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute, the Republican specialised scientifically-practical centre of Pediatrics, Republican specialised scientifically practical centre of Obstetrics and gynecology, Republican specialised scientifically practical centre Endokrinologii, Republican specialised scientifically practical centre of traumatology and orthopedy, Republican specialised scientifically practical centre dermatovenerology

Currently, 166 students are enrolled in clinical internships in 27 specialties.
1. Neonatology
2. Pediatrics
3. Hematology
4. Endocrinology
5. Otorhinolaryngology
6. Infectious diseases
7. Fertiary care
8. Ophthalmology
9. Dermatovenereology
10. Psychiatry
11. Narcology
12. Clinical Radiology
13. Pediatric Neurological Diseases
14. Neurological diseases
Traumatology and orthopedics
16. Pediatric surgery
17. Obstetrics and gynecology
18. Gynecology of children and adolescents
Anesthesiology and resuscitation of children
20. Therapy
21. Cardiology
22. Oncology
23. Emergency medical care
24. Children’s infectious diseases
26. Sport Medicine
27. Neurosurgery