Basic directions activity of department:
• To promote scientific potential of personnel and departments of institute;
• To promote indexes of active integration of medical science of our country with world science;
• Introduction of results of scientific researches in practice;
• Training of highly skilled scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, and also comprehensive support of scientific creation of young people;
• Introduction of monitoring of senior research workers – competitors for providing of implementation of the Government program on training of personnel;
Organizational and other tasks of department:
• Providing the prints of printing editions of results of research works of departments and department;
• Acceptance of report of department on research works and his analysis, consideration on Scientific Advice;
• Introduction of monitoring of state grants, realization of handing over in the set term of annual reports;
• Organization and providing of entrance of senior research workers and probationers – competitors according to Regulation;
• Analysis of reports of the Problem commissions and removal of failings;
• Verification of primary material to on scientifically by the research result of dissertation;
• Joint consideration of dissertation works on Problem and approbation advices to defense;
• Organization and providing of semiannual and annual attestations of senior scientific – employees on regulation;
• Conduct of monitoring of introduction of results of researches in educational is an educational process;
• Regular answer for orders, orders and modemogrammy departments of Higher and middle-special education, Ministry of Health.
At the department of preparation scientific and scientific – pedagogical operates:
1. Problem board (medico-biological and surgical).
2. Approbation board.