Improvement of the system of social protection of population and health protection:
ensuring compulsory social guarantees for the population, strengthening social protection of vulnerable segments of the population and state support for older persons and persons with disabilities, improving social services, developing public-private partnerships in the provision of social services to the public;
further reform of the healthcare sector, primarily primary care, emergency and emergency medical care,
to improve the accessibility and quality of medical and socio-medical services to the population, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population, the strengthening of the material and technical base of medical institutions; further implementation of comprehensive measures to strengthen family health, protect motherhood and childhood, increase access of mothers and children to quality medical services, providing them with specialized and high-tech medical care, reducing infant and child mortality;
further development and improvement of the system of medical and social assistance for pensioners, invalids, lonely elderly and other vulnerable categories of the population to ensure their full-fledged life;
the further development of the pharmaceutical industry and the improvement of the availability of affordable, quality medicines and medical products to the population and medical institutions, the implementation of measures to prevent unreasonable price increases on them; ensuring the reduction of the incidence of the population and increase the life expectancy of the population.
Spiritual – educational work aimed at implementing effective forms and methods of spiritual and moral education, and education.
At the department has adopted a thematic plan, library and area of spiritual and educational work. The work is conducted according to the plan in all groups. In addition to the curatorial department is working for this every year, the annual curatorial developed a plan by which a group holds regular talks and discuss the STRATEGY OF ACTION on the five priority development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyev. Attached to the department three curatorial groups of the 1st of Pediatrics. Supervisors of these groups is an assistant professor of F. and S. Karimov Khaibullina ZR At the curatorial team of teachers involved in the festivities, “Independence Day,” “Student Day”, “Day’s mentor and teacher,” “Constitution Day”, “Nowruz “March 8, and others.

In curatorial groups regularly held discussions aimed at developing students’ high spiritual and moral qualities, to develop a sense of patriotism, trust and respect for each other. Students prepare reports on the following topics: “Oila huquq manbalari”, “Constitution”, “Terrorism”, “On the dangers of smoking, drug addiction”, “On the goodness and mercy “, “Role of the doctor”, etc.
Together with the curator of a museum visit, “Courage”, “art”, “Medicine”, “Amir Temur”, “athletic prowess”, etc. Also, go to the theater, “National Drama Theatre,” “Abror Khidoyatova”, “Ilkhom” and etc.
“Camelot” with the dean’s office regularly provide financial assistance to needy students. Curators acquainted with the living conditions of students in hostels and private apartments. As far as possible they are given all possible assistance.
Information hours
The department has a folder containing Decrees of the President, Decrees of the Government, Ministry of Higher Education, news of political life, etc. These materials are actively discussed at meetings of the department, lectures, practical exercises.
Curators are:
Senior lecturer Bayakhmedov F.F. (517-518 groups 1 ped.)
Ass. Khotamov Kh.N. (513-514 groups -1 ped.)
Senior curator of the department Bayakhmedov F.F.
Every month they meet with students, organize meetings with scientists of the institute, actively participate in the social life of the institute, inform about the political life of the republic, raise the spiritual and moral level of future doctors.
Responsible for Spiritual and educational work: ass. Khotamov Kh.N.