According to the curriculum the students of the 4, 6-year pediatrics and medical-pedagogical faculty are trained at the department at the beginning of the academic year, each teacher has a personal work plan and is approved by the dean of the faculty. Plans for the new 2018-2019 academic year, the calendar of the thematic plan for practical classes, plans for the department, plans for exemplary, open, visual seminars and lectures, plans for spiritual, educational, scientific and organizational work for the new academic year of the department. In addition, a passport is created for the staff of the department and transferred to the Information Technology Department of the Institute.
Based on the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the Department on the basis of orders and orders of the Institute, along with the dean of the faculty and his assistants, internal inspectors of the institute conduct training on the state of documents, the discipline of the educational process, discipline, discipline, and systematically controlled, and some of the shortcomings mentioned above, have been eliminated.
Practical classes are conducted on the basis of the schedule of each professor and teacher based on the current work schedule using the new pedagogical technologies (Black Box, Cat in the Cage, Ari Slot, Auction, Circle on the Table).
At the same time, in the process of practical training, new teaching technologies (key, projects,  graphic organizers) were widely used. Work programs on new technologies have been created.
During the training, students independently conduct a forensic examination of corpses and living people under the supervision of professors. After completing the exam, students form a “Summary of Experts” and formulate their practical skills. Practical classes are conducted on the basis of interactive teaching methods using interactive teaching methods.

Practical training is carried out on the basis of the following modern information technologies;
1. Multimedia projector;
2. Computer;
3. Thematic videotape is provided by video;
4. With DVD player;
5. Multimedia materials for practical classes and lectures;
6. All color laser screens were displayed using Overxed;
7. Musical materials, thematic posters and stands by title;
8. Relief fossil;
9. Multimedia projector;

Particular attention was paid to the practical preparation of students, so they were given the opportunity to learn how to independently investigate corpses, to investigate living people and to investigate the corpse at the scene.
Full textbooks are provided for students. Educational literature is available in Russian and Cyrillic in Uzbek and Russian. In the 4 th year there are 5 textbooks for forensic medicine, which are sufficient in the library of the institute. The curriculum on the legal basis for the activities of a doctor for the 6th year is available in Russian and Uzbek in the Institute’s information and resource center. In addition, the texts of lectures were updated and submitted to the Information Center of the Institute.
The library of the department is organized for students, in this library there are textbooks, teaching aids and an atlas for fourth-year students in forensic medicine on the legal basis of the doctor’s activities. There are electronic textbooks on forensic medicine. In forensic medicine, 1200 new-generation tests are conducted (one correct answer, two or more consistency questions and compliance tests) used to assess student knowledge in the current curriculum and the curriculum for interim monitoring.
In order to improve the skills and knowledge of teachers on the basis of the plan, open and visual lessons were organized that were analyzed on the boards of departments and recorded in the minutes.

Calendar thematic plan of PRACTICAL CLASSES for 4-year students of the PEDIATRIC, medical and pedagogical, medical faculty 2020-2021 academic year on the subject of “Forensic medicine”
1. Organizational and procedural bases of forensic medicine. Familiarization with articles of the criminal code and criminal procedure code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the scheme “expert Opinion” and other forensic documentation. Rights and duties of a forensic medical expert.
4 hours
2.Forensic medical thanatology. Dying and death. Early and late cadaveric phenomena. Demonstration of the forensic medical examination of the corpse. General rules, procedure and technique of forensic medical examination of a corpse. Methods of internal examination of the corpse. Drawing up the conclusion of the examination of the corpse. Initial examination of the body at the scene. The main tasks of a specialist doctor when examining a corpse at the scene of its discovery. Preparation of forensic diagnoses and conclusions.
4 hours
3. Forensic medical traumatology. Mechanical damage. Damage from sharp and blunt objects. Transport injury. Fall from height. Injury prevention. Independent forensic medical examination of a corpse in cases of death from mechanical injuries by students under the guidance of a teacher, or a description of mechanical injuries based on macropreparations, dummies in the study room. Drawing up an expert opinion. Strategy for prevention and control of injuries related to gender-based violence and sexual violence
4 hours
4. Gunshot wounds. Independent forensic medical examination of a corpse in cases of death from gunshot injuries by students under the guidance of a teacher, or a description of gunshot injuries using macro-drugs, dummies in the study room.
4 hours
5. Oxygen deficiency. Mechanical asphyxia. Independent forensic medical examination of a corpse in cases of death from mechanical asphyxia by students under the guidance of a teacher. Drawing up an expert opinion.
5 hours
6. Forensic toxicology. Forensic medical examination of poisoning. The concept of poisons. Classification of toxic substances. Conditions for the action of poison on the body. Sources of evidence of poisoning. A forensic examination of poisoning with poisons of local and resorptive action. Prevention of poisoning Features of forensic medical examination in cases of poisoning Intermediate control. Conducted in a test center.
6 hours
7. Forensic medical examination of newborn corpses and its features. Independent forensic medical examination of a corpse in cases of death of newborns by students under the guidance of a teacher. Sudden death. Causes of sudden death in children and adults. Drawing up an expert opinion.
6 hours
8. Forensic medical examination of living persons. Organizational and procedural features of these examinations. Legal classification and forensic criteria for determining the severity of injuries. Determination of health status. Conducting a forensic medical examination of living persons for injuries in a forensic outpatient clinic and drawing up an expert opinion. Use of these medical documents in the conduct of forensic medical examination. Strategies for preventing and controlling injuries related to gender-based violence: sexual violence
9. Forensic medical examination of living persons in cases of sexual conditions and crimes. Gender-based violence and its prevention. Features of this type of expertise. Conducting a forensic medical examination of living persons in a forensic outpatient clinic (rape, sodomy, depraved acts, infection with venereal diseases, determining gender, sexual maturity, former pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, etc.) and drawing up an expert opinion.
YAB-30 points.
Oral exam based on prepared tickets;
solving situational problems by students;
Calendar thematic plan of LECTURES for students of the IV year of PEDIATRIC, medical-pedagogical and medical faculties 2020-2021 academic year
1. Subject, tasks and significance of forensic medicine. Connection of forensic medicine with medical and other disciplines. The place of forensic medicine in the system of higher medical education. Organization and structure of forensic medical examination in Uzbekistan. Organizational and procedural bases of forensic medical examination. Thanatology. Terminal state. Quick and slow death. Statement of the fact of death. Preliminary and reliable signs of death. Forensic classification of death. Thanatogenesis and cause of death. Early and late changes of the corpse.
2. The doctrine of mechanical damage, forensic significance. Classification of mechanical damages. Injuries caused by blunt objects: abrasions, bruises, wounds, fractures, internal injuries. Injuries caused by sharp objects: cut, stab, stab, chopped, and other injuries. Auto injuries. Strategy for the prevention and control of injuries related to gender-based violence and sexual violence.
3. Disordered health and death from oxygen deprivation. State of hypoxia and asphyxia. Classification of mechanical asphyxia. General asphyxiating signs in cases of death. Types of mechanical asphyxia: hanging, strangling with a noose and hands, closing of respiratory openings and ways, drowning, compression asphyxia, asphyxia in a closed space.
4. Forensic toxicology. The concept of poison, poisoning. Conditions for the action of poisons. Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics. Forensic classification of poisons. Additional laboratory tests in cases of poisoning. Medical and social significance of forensic medical examination in cases of poisoning.
5. Forensic medical examination of newborn corpses. Infanticide and its types. Questions resolved in cases of examinations of newborn corpses examination of corpses of newborns and its features.
6. Forensic medical examination of living persons. Legal classification of injuries. Artificially induced diseases. Forensic medical examination of sexual conditions and sexual crimes. Strategy for the prevention and control of injuries related to gender-based violence, sexual violence.

Thematic plan of the schedule of practical classes for 4th year students for the 2020-2021 academic year

  №   Name03.09.20 12.09.2021.09.20 30.09.2013.10.20 22.10.2023.10.20 02.11.2031.10.20 10.11.2014.11.20 24.11.2025.11.20 04.12.2027.11.20 07.12.20  10.12.20 19.12.2016.12.20 25.12.2021.12.20 13.01.2111.01.21 20.01.2114.01.21 23.01.2126.01.21 03.02.2104.02.21 13.02.2115.02.21 24.02.2125.02.21 06.03.2110.03.21 19.03.2120.03.21 30.03.2110.04.21 20.04.2121.04.21 01.05.21
1Yakubov  Х.Х403 ТП 410 ДИ 401 ДИ404 1П  419 2П 403 2П   405 ДИ    412 ДИ 
2Kadirov  К.У401 ТП 411 ДИ401 1П402 ДИ405 1П417 2П408 ТП420 2П417 1П405 2П 416 ДИ407 2П406 ДИ412 2П408 ДИ412 1П408 1П    
3Nosirov Т.К    414 ДИ  406 1П     419 1П 410 ТП          414          1П
4Ruziev Sh.I. 406 ТП 403 1П  416 2П      408 2П 413 2П  409 1П  
5Kuziev О.J.402 ТП407 ТП 402 1П404 ДИ407 1П   418 1П   409 2П 415 2П409 ДИ 410 1П 416          1П
6Kurrbonov А.   401 2П403 ДИ 418 2П409 ТП421 2П 404 2П  410 2П 414 2П407 ДИ413 1П411 1П413 ДИ415          1П
7Abdukarimov B.А. 405 ТП 402 2П         411 2П       
8Khvan  О.I.  415 ДИ      420 1П406 2П          

Calendar thematic plan of PRACTICAL CLASSES for students of the 6 year of the faculty of PEDIATRICS 2020-2021 academic year on the subject of “Forensic medicine, medical law”

1. Main goals and principles of public health protection. Fundamentals of legislation in the field of health care.

2. General questions of legal liability of medical workers for professional offenses. Intentional crimes related to medical activities. Misconduct of medical professionals. Deontological and legal assessment of medical errors and accidents in medicine

3. Defects in medical care (DMP). Classification of medical care defects. The main tasks of the Commission of forensic medical examination in cases of bringing medical workers to justice. The causes of the DMP. The impact of medical care defects on the outcome of the disease. The essence of the DMP.

4. Problems of bioethics. Historical models of bioethics: Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Bentham, bioethics. Questions of organ and tissue transplantation. Questions of euthanasia. Classification of euthanasia.

5. Organizational and procedural bases of forensic medical examination. Connection of forensic medical examination with other subjects.

6. Of the Labor code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Normative acts regulating labor relations. Concept and purpose of collective agreements and agreements. The concept and parties of an employment contract. The right to employment. The concept of working time. Labour protection. Administrative offenses and administrative responsibility. Administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of public health protection. Final control.

Final control of the YAB.

Orally by ticket;

Question 1-10 b

Question 1-10 b

Question 1-10 b

Question 1-10 b

Solution of a situational problem-10 b

Preparation of an abstract report on the topics of independent work (indicating the literature, title, place of publication during the cycle, evaluating one of the above types of independent work, dates, pages)-on 5 sheets of computer text (Times New Roman, font 14, interval 1) – 5 points.

* Presentation or case (project) – with the participation of the entire group-3 points

* one prepared by the student 5 points.

* Participate after practice in the forensic examination of living persons and analysis of results of Commission examination in the Office SME expert-5 points (with the provision of reference certified by the signature of the Department head and seal of the institution).

Calendar thematic plan of students ‘ Lectures 6 course of Pediatric, medical-pedagogical and medical faculties for the 2020-2021 academic year on the subject “Forensic medicine

1. The main objectives and principles of public health protection. Fundamentals of legislation in the field of healthcare.

2. General questions of legal liability of medical workers for professional offenses. Intentional crimes in connection with medical activities. Misconduct by medical professionals. Legal and deontological assessment of medical errors and accidents in medicine.

Calendar thematic plan of PRACTICAL CLASSES for students of the 6 year of the faculty of medical-pedagogical and medical faculties 2020-2021 academic year on the subject of “Forensic medicine, medical law”

1. Main goals and principles of public health protection. Fundamentals of legislation in the field of health care.

2. General questions of legal liability of medical workers for professional offenses. Intentional crimes related to medical activities. Misconduct of medical professionals. Deontological and legal assessment of medical errors and accidents in medicine

3. Of the Labor code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Normative acts regulating labor relations. Concept and purpose of collective agreements and agreements. The concept and parties of an employment contract. The right to employment. The concept of working time. Labour protection. Administrative offenses and administrative responsibility. Administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of public health protection. Final control.

Final control of the YAB.

Orally by ticket;

Question 1-10 b

Question 1-10 b

Question 1-10 b

Question 1-10 b

Solution of a situational problem-10 b

Preparation of an abstract report on the topics of independent work (indicating the literature, title, place of publication during the cycle, evaluating one of the above types of independent work, dates, pages)-on 5 sheets of computer text (Times New Roman, font 14, interval 1) – 5 points.

* Presentation or case (project) – with the participation of the entire group-3 points

* one prepared by the student 5 points.

* Participate after practice in the forensic examination of living persons and analysis of results of Commission examination in the Office SME expert-5 points (with the provision of reference certified by the signature of the Department head and seal of the institution).

Schedule of practical classes for students of the 6th year of Pediatric, Medical-pedagogical and medical faculties on the subject “Forensic medicine and medical law” for the 2020-2021 academic year

    Ф.И.Ш.07.09.20 12.09.2019.09.20 25.09.2028.09.20 05.10.2030.09.20 03.10.2008.10.20 10.10.2023.10.20 29.10.2011.11.20 17.11.2027.11.20 30.11.2028.11.20 04.12.2011.01.21 16.01.2113.01.21 15.01..2104.02.21 10.02.2010.03.21 12.03.2117.03.21 23.03.2124.03.21 30.03.2131.03.21 06.04.2107.04.21 13.04.2115.04.21 21.04.2123.04.21 29.04.2130.04.21 06.05.2110.05.21 12.05.2115.05.21 21.05.21
  Yakubov  Х.Х  601 2П     611 1П       610 2П   613 2П   601 ДИ     617 2П  601 1П       615 1П  
  kadirov  К.У   614 1П   604 ТП  601 ТП  617 1П              604 ДИ  606 1П                603 1П   
  Nosirov  Т.К     613 1П          611 2П   615 2П  620 1П   608 2П     607 1П  618 2П   605 2П   604 1П  616 1П  608 ТП 
Ruziev Sh.I.  602 2П     612 1П         612 2П         603 ДИ607 2П     602 1П    606 2П  608 1П  605 1П      604 2П
Quziev О.J.   603 ТП 618 1П   619 1П  605 ДИ    609 1П  607 ТП603 2П
Qurbanov А.        614 2П 602 ДИ609 2П     610 1П    
Abdukarimov        B.А.    602 ТП  606 ТП    606 ДИ             
Хvan O.I.         605 ТП      616 2П