The history of the “Otorhinolaryngology, children’s Otorhinolaryngology and Dentistry department of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
Authors: prof. S.А. KhASANOV, A/Professor Gulimbay К. BABAKHANOV
In July 23, 1971 happened significant event in the Medical History of Uzbekistan. Due to the high birth and morbidity rate in children, because of the shortage of doctors in the Central Asian Republics and Southern Kazakhstan, the former Soviet Union government, ordered the Resolution № to create a new medical institute.

Opening ceremony of CAMPI.Celebrations of deputy minister of Health of USSR Dmitriy D. VENEDICTOV (on tribune) By left side first rector, professor Vali M. MAJIDOV
This institution was the second (after Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute) Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute (CAMPI). His task was to prepare highly qualified pediatricians for Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and southern regions of Kazakhstan.
The institution in 1991, was renamed TashPMI. As the first rector of CAMPI was appointed Professor MAJIDOV Vali Majidovich and Vice Rector for Education – prof. DALIMOV Sultan Aminovich, Vice-Rector for Research – prof. MAKHMUDOV Orhan Sirojiddinovich. Newly established medical school was allocated in the area of infectious hospital. As the first dean of the Institute was appointed professor NAZARMUHAMEDOV Fahritdin Holmuhamedovich, Head of department of Studies, Professor ROOM S.S.
For a short time 40 departments were organized and provided with professional teaching staff, training facilities and amenities. Along with other departments, the ENT department was formed on the basis of the 17 urban hospital with 60 beds (30 adults and 30 children). The founders of the department were first head of department assistant professor of the Institute of advanced medicine – Abdumalik N. DADAMUHAMEDOV MD.PhD, Associate Professor – AGZAMOV S.A. PhD, from the department of Otolaryngology TashGosMI and assistants – Saidakrom A. KHASANOV., PhD, (TashGosMI) and AVRUKINA R.I., Ph.D. from AndGosMI.

Founder and first head of the department, docent Abdumalik N. DADAMUKHAMEDOV (work in 1972-2011yy)

Founder and first researcher, assistant professor Khasanov Saidakram Askarovich (staff from 1972 y).

Founder and docent Agzamov Saidkarim Agzamovich (work in 1972-80 yy.).

Founder and docent Avrukina Raisa Izraylevna (work in 1972-90yy.).
In matters of the initial stage of organizational development of department, played a special role Abdumalik Nazirovich DADAMUHAMEDOV Ph.D and Saidakrom Akramovich HASANOV Ph.D. On September 1, 1972 at the same time, classes began with 1-6 courses CAMPI as pediatric the department TashGosMI and AndMI and were transferred to the CAMPI. To assist the Otolaryngology department were taken various molds and tables from TashGosMI and other medical institutions of the Soviet Union. Through their generous financial and moral support from the Ministry of Health, the ENT department, along with other departments, and in a short time you can quickly improve.

2011y, March. Dadamukhamedov Abdumalik Nazirovich – professor, (head of department 1972-1999yy.)
Dadamuhamedov Abdumalik Nazirovich – MD, professor, born in 1929. In the 1972-1999 years worked as a head of the department. In 1962 he defended his thesis on “Tuberculosis of the middle ear,” and in 1976 his doctoral thesis on “Chronic suppurative otitis media in patients with tuberculosis.” He was supervisor of two PhD theses, is the author of 150 scientific articles, 8 brochures, two books and a textbook “Child otolaryngology.” For several years, he worked as Chief Children’s otorhinolaryngologist in the Ministry of
Health of Uzbekistan. Agzamov Saidkarim Azamovich – PhD, associate professor, went down in history as the composer of the table of different words used in testing auditory perception and its application in practice (“On the investigation of hearing speech and phonetic quality of the Uzbek language”).
Avrukina Raisa Izrailovna – PhD, Associate Professor, improved method of surgical resection of the nasal septum, worked 1972-90 years. In the department, working as assistants Makhkamov A.K., PhD, Mannapov M.F. PhD, (In 1976-1995)., Mirzarasulev M.M. PhD, Kadyrov F.Z. (In 1974-1996), Nazarmuhamedova N.F. PhD, (In 1976-1994), Mirazizov R.K. and several other experts. Mannapov M.F. PhD, in subsequent also worked in Zambia as the chief adviser of ENT.

Mannapov Abdumalik Fayazo-vich, docent (work 1976-95yy)

Mirzaanvar Mirzarasulevich MIRZARASULEV, docent, (work in 1976-96 yy.) Flora Zakirovna KADIROVA (DUSTMUKHAMEDOVA) was born in 1951. In 1974, she graduated CAMPI and was admitted to the residency in the department of Otolaryngology. In 1976-1997 she worked as an assistant in the department of Otolaryngology TashPMI. At present working as a otolaryngologist doctor in the 1 – central clinic at Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.

KADIROVA (DUSTMUKHAMEDOVA) Flora Zakirovna (worked 1976-96 yy)

Ravshan Kuchkarovich MIRAZIZOV (work in 1981-94 yy.)
Since 1985, the department began to operate on two hospitals: the children’s departments of ENT, based at the clinic with 60 beds TashPMI and 17th city hospital with 60 beds. The new Children’s Hospital ENT opened opportunities for both learning processes as well as for scientific and practical research. ENT clinic TashPMI from 1985 to 2010 was administrated by founder of children’s Otorhinolaryngology of Uzbekistan and creator of Otorhinolaryngology research center, talented scientist, clinician, Professor Khasanov

Prof. Khasanov S.A. on discussion of topic
This clinic also started to perform the duty of the Centre of Children’s otorhinolaryngology in our republic. The first head of the ENT department of the clinic has been appointed assistant professor Mannapov M.F. Because of the good work heads of department and assistant Neylya Fahruddinovna NAZARMUKHMEDOVA and Umarov H.U. material base clinic strengthened, it is possible to provide expert specialized care. Through the efforts of the department since 1999 and separated children ENT emergency assistance, and the service is fully vested in the ENT clinic TashPMI. As announced by the President in 2001 the “Year of Mother and Child” at the clinic organized a new rehabilitation center for congenital and acquired pathologies of the ear in children.

Assistant professor Neylya Fahruddinovna NAZARMUKHMEDOVA (work in 1976-94yy.)
The second head of the ENT department was Professor Khasanov Saidakram Askarovich born in 1942, in 1984 he defended his doctoral thesis on “The State of the auditory organ in patients with diabetes.” He has authored more than 200 scientific papers, 15 innovations, 11 patents and inventions, monographs and one textbook. He is one of the founders of the Children’s otorhinolaryngology. From 1999 to 2010, directed the Otolaryngology department for many years, he is Chief of Otorhinolaryngology of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan. After the independence of the republic to meet the needs of Otorhinolaryngology massively expanded training of young professionals in the department. Professor Saidakram Askarovich gathered in their work the best features of different schools. Research interests of Professor S.A.Hasanov were extremely wide. Most of the department staff now make up her students. There are many scientific research performing at the department. The result came two M.D. (Amonov Sh.E. 2000, Makhsudov S.N. 2003) and 16 PhD. Under the instruction of Professor. Hasanov S.A. department actively introduce modern teaching methods with the use of multimedia technology, modern treatment using micro-and endoscopic surgical techniques, video equipment, to enhance the quality of teaching otolaryngology students, masters and medical residents. One of the main research directions TashPMI ENT department was “The study of the upper respiratory tract with endocrine diseases and problems associated with them.” Several members of the department conducted research in connection with ENT Endocrinology. Nazarmuhamedova N.F. – led the study “The clinic, diagnosis and treatment of chronic tonsillitis patients with diabetes mellitus,” and in 1988 received her PhD (supervised by prof. Khasanov SA). Kirsanov V.N., was born in 1958, in 1994 he defended his thesis on “Clinical-course and surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis patients with various thyroid disorders.”

Assistant professor KIRSANOV Vladimir Nikolaevich(work in 1986-1998).
JAFAROV Murod Mirzohidovich – was born in 1966. Docent Jafarov Murad Mirzahidovich (work in 1988-2011 yy.). Jafarov M.M. defensed his master’s thesis on “Chronic tonsillitis in children with obesity,” in 1996. In 2000-2002 was trained Plastic Surgery in Yonsey University. Since 2004, He is the head of the department of plastic surgery TashPMI. 15 hospital beds Division of Plastic Surgery is also a base for training of graduate and clinic residents.

BABAKHANOV Gulimbay Kutlibaevich – born in 1958, PhD, A/professor. The scientific work is devoted to methods of rehabilitation endonasal chronic purulent dacryocystitis in children (Defense 1998 under the supervision of Professor Khasanov SA). Opponent of research, honored scientist of Uzbekistan, Professor K.J.Mirazizov rated research work of Babakhanov G.K. as “a great contribution to the development of ENT.” Under the supervision of G.K. Babakhanov in 2010 was defended PhD work Hasanov M.S. on theme “Integrated diagnostics and improved surgical treatment of adenoids in children.” Currently Babakhanov G.K. is docent and responsible for clinical internship in the department, and conducted scientific work (doctoral dissertation) on the relationship of the nose and nasal obstruction in causing abnormalities in dentition. He is the head of the scientific direction of the department – Rhinology.
Mukhitdinov Ulugbek Bashrullaevich born in 1966, PhD, assistant professor. Developed a method and implemented the endolymphatic introduction of medicines for the treatment of chronic otitis media. Dissertation topic “The State of immunoregulatory cells in recurrent suppurative otitis media in children” (Defense in 1999). After training in South Korea implements in practice hearing improve operations in the middle ear.
Eshnazarov Ilhom Rozymbaevich born in 1968, PhD, assistant professor. He defended his research work “Chronic tonsillitis patients with capillary toxicities” in 2001. Now he works as the deputy director of the sanatorium “Buston.”

A/Professor Eshnazarov Ilkhom Rozimbaevich
The department for many years worked as an assistant professors Dadashev Sh.T., Akhmedov S.S., Mukhamedzhanov U.H., Yakubov M.M.

Dadashev ShT.jpg Dadashev Shavkat Tairovich (work in 1986-2000 yy.).

Mukhamedjanov UX.jpg Mukhamedjanov Ulugbek Hakimjanovich (work in 2001-2010 yy.).

Yakubov Mirvoris Mirziyatovich (work in 2003-2009).
By the initiative Hasanov S.A. since 2001 at the ENT Department was founded a course “Pediatric stomatology” and its first director was professor Makhsudov Sunnat Nigmatovich, today continues his work prof. Gulyamov S.S., docent Shukurova Gulnara Rahmanovna. In this course also work as an assistant professors Mahkamova F.T., Yakubova F.H., Pulatov O.A. Since 2011, opened the magistracy on stomatology.
Since 1999, at the clinic was organized regular duty to provide highly skilled emergency care for children as well as for quality training of young – ENT specialists. This is the main factor of usefulness of the educational process.
Third, since 2010, the head of the department Amonov Shavkat Ergashevich – born in 1963, professor, PhD, MD.

Professor Amonov Shavkat Ergashevich, head of the department since 2010.
1992 he defended his research on Chronic tonsillitis in children with chronic hepatitis “B” Supervisors Professor Khasanov S.A. and Academician, Daminov T.A. In 2000 he defended his doctoral thesis on “Improving the effectiveness of surgical treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media in children.” Scientific consultants Professor Khasanov S.A. and Professor Majidov A.V. For the first time in otolaryngology developed and implemented the use of demineralized bone lamb for mastoidoplasty. Under the leadership of Amonov Sh.E. 2010 defended PhD thesis RAJABOV A.H entitled “Chronic tonsillitis in children with chronic hepatitis “B””. Modern Otolaryngology changed significantly. Today, it covers a wide range of both surgical and therapeutic problems related to improving endoscopy ENT. Under the instruction of Professor. Amonov Sh.E. in recent years the department is actively introducing modern methods of modern methods of treatment using micro-and endoscopic surgical techniques, video equipment, to enhance the quality of teaching otolaryngology students, masters and medical residents. Professor Sh.E. Amonov was trained in the leading ENT clinics in Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia), the “Institute of Otorhinolaryngology” named prof. AI Kolomiychenko AMS of Ukraine “(Kiev), Poland. Professor Sh.E. Amonov spoke with scientific reports on global and European congresses otolaryngologists. He is on the editorial board of the leading journals in the specialty. Sh.E. Amonov is the author of over 150 scientific papers, 5 metodichek, 1 monograph, 2 books, 6 patents. Although at present the clinic TashPMI only 25 beds by the intensity of the number of cured patients and the number of surgical interventions is high. Since 2004, an additional base of the department became ENT department CCH number 2 MOH Uzbekistan. The emergence of a new clinical database has greatly improved the quality of the teaching profession. The immediate prospects for the development of the Department of Otolaryngology is attributed to increasing the level of its technical equipment, expanding the range of possibilities of endoscopic surgery and therapy video ENT, cochlear implants and hearing screening in newborns. In the near future, under the direction of Professor Amonov Sh.E. planned opening of the new center “hearing rehabilitation” within the Ministry of Public Health Research Institute of Pediatrics Uzbekistan.