Responsible for the educational and methodological activities of the department: PhD, assistant Nurmukhamedova F.B.

Educational activities at the department are carried out in accordance with approved standard and work programs, as well as according to an individual work and annual plan.

The department trains 4th year students in the educational direction “Pediatrics” and 5th year students in the educational areas “General Medicine”, “Medical and Pedagogical Affairs”, 4th year students in the educational areas “Traditional Medicine”, also clinical residents and master’s students in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology”.

Schedule of classes for the 2023/2024 academic year in the subject “Otorhinolaryngology” for 4th and 5th year students by teachers and groups

SanaAmonov Sh.E.Abduqaumov A.ARazhabov A.Kh.Jabbarova D.R.Abdullaev Kh.N.Rasulova N.A.Alimova D.D.Mamatova Sh.R.Yakubov M.M.Ergashev Zh.D.Salomov K.M.Nurmukhamedova F.B.Ismatova K.A.Egamberdieva Z.D.
14-23.09  425-1P423-1P424-1P  beam 426-1P 427-1Pbeam428-1P
225.09-24.10     429-1P 430-1P BIM 431-1P432-1P433-1P
316.10-4.11  404-1P   405 1P  BIM406 1p   
46-25.11   BIM401 2P402 2P 403 2P404-2P   405 2P 
527.11-18.12BIM  BIM   418 1P419 1P420 1P421 1P 422 1P 
615.12-18.01BIM          514 CI 515DI
719.12-22.01BIM  519 TP413 1P414 1P520 TP 415 1P416 1P417 1P   
823.01-12.02  408 2P409 2P  410 2P   411 2P412 2P413 2P 
925.01-15.02518 CI   506 TP  508 TP507 TP519 CI   520DI
102.02-4.03 429 2P430 2P  431 2P        
eleven8.02-15.02402 XT             
1212.02-4.03       420 2P 421 2P 422 2P  
1316.02-22.02          401XT   
1416.02-7.03509 TP  510 TP    501 TP  517 TP502 TP518 TP
155-29.03     423 2P 424 2P 425 2P426 2P427 2P 428 2P
169.03-15.03  403 HT           
179.03-2.04   507 CI516 CI 517 CI 508 CI   509 CI 
1830.03-20.04401 1P      402 1P 403 1P406 2P407 2P  
193.04-24.04   511 CI 513 CI512 CI 504DI   510 CI505DI
2022.04-13.05 414 2P  415 2P  416 2P 417 2P418 2P419 2P  
2125.04-16.04501 CI  502 CI 503 CI503 TP 504TP   505TP 
2217.05-8.06   511 TP  512 TP513 TP 514 TP515 TP  516 TP
2321.05-11.06 407 1P408 1P 409 1P410 1P  411 1P   412 1P 

Calendar-thematic plan of practical classes for 4th year students in the field of education “Pediatrics” for the 2023/2024 academic year

Total labor intensity – 144 hours: Of which: Lectures – 28 hours, Practical classes – 80 hours, Independent work – 36 hours

No.Topic nameAkad. watch
 1Introduction. Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the nose, modern examination methods4
 2Acute nasal diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 3Chronic nasal diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 4Sinusitis, tumors of the nose and sinuses, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 5Introduction. Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the pharynx, modern examination methods4
 6Acute diseases of the pharynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 7Chronic diseases of the pharynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 8Acute and chronic tonsillitis, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 9Introduction. Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the ear, modern examination methods4
 10Diseases of the external ear, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 11Middle ear diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 12Labyrinthitis and ear tumors, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 13Non-purulent ear diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 14Hearing loss, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination4
 15Deafness, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6
 16Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the larynx, modern examination methods6
 17Acute diseases of the larynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6
 18Chronic diseases of the larynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6

Calendar and thematic plan of lectures for 4th year students in the field of education of the “Faculty of Pediatrics” for the 2023/2024 academic year

  No.Subject  Lecture title
 1Introduction. Acute nasal diseases.2
 2Chronic nasal diseases.2
 3Diseases of the paranasal sinuses2
 4Acute diseases of the pharynx.2
 5Chronic diseases of the pharynx.2
 6Anatomy of the ear, research method2
 7Acute diseases of the external ear.2
 8Acute diseases of the middle ear.2
 9Chronic diseases of the middle ear2
 10Non-purulent ear diseases.2
 11Labyrinthitis, deafness2
 12Anatomy of the larynx, research method2
 13Acute diseases of the larynx.2
 14Chronic diseases of the larynx.2

Calendar-thematic plan of practical classes for 5th year students in the field of education “Medical and Medical Pedagogical Faculty” for the 2023/2024 academic year

Total labor intensity – 196 hours: Of which: Lectures – 12 hours, Practical classes – 96 hours, Independent work – 88 hours

No.Topic nameAkad. watch
 1Introduction. Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the nose, modern examination methods5
 2Acute nasal diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 3Chronic nasal diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 4Sinusitis, tumors of the nose and sinuses, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 5Introduction. Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the pharynx, modern examination methods5
 6Acute diseases of the pharynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 7Chronic diseases of the pharynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 8Acute and chronic tonsillitis, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 9Introduction. Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the ear, modern examination methods5
 10Diseases of the external ear, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 11Middle ear diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 12Labyrinthitis and ear tumors, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination5
 13Non-purulent ear diseases, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6
 14Hearing loss, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6
 15Deafness, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6
 16Clinical, anatomical and physiological features of the larynx, modern examination methods6
 17Acute diseases of the larynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6
 18Chronic diseases of the larynx, modern research, principles of treatment, emergency care in emergency situations, prevention, rehabilitation and medical examination6
 Bottom line96

Calendar and thematic plan of lectures for 5th year students in the field of education of the “Medical and Medical Pedagogical Faculty” for the 2023/2024 academic year

No.SubjectLecture title
 1Introduction. Acute and chronic diseases of the nose.2
 2Acute and chronic sinusitis.2
 3Acute and chronic diseases of the pharynx.2
 4Acute and chronic ear diseases.2
 5Non-purulent ear diseases, labyrinthitis2
 6Acute and chronic diseases of the larynx.2

Practical lesson plan (chronomap)

8:30-9:15Registration of those present in the journal. Introduction, presentation of a new topic, relevance, goals, objectives and practical lesson plans. Answers to questions that arose while preparing for the lesson. Round table discussion 
9:20-10:05Analysis of theoretical material. Issuance of methodological instructions necessary for conducting a practical lesson. Tests. Situational tasks. Images (CT-MRI, X-ray, audiogram, tympanogram) 
10:15-11:00Visiting patients preoperatively and postoperatively (working with medical history, collecting Morbi and Vitae anamnesis). Practical part, outpatient procedures, presence at operations. Examination of the patient using an ENT machine or the traditional method. Consultation of the patient, writing a prescription.   
11:05-11:50Message of a new topic, questions for self-study, recommended literature. Fixing the material. Giving grades and preparing a training journal. End of the lesson. 
11:50-12:50Lunch break 
12:50-13:35Lecture  If there is no lecture – Analysis of theoretical material, presentations, discussion of homework, assessment and control of knowledge.

Note* the lesson on the chronocard may vary depending on the clinical base

Duty schedule of department staff for the 2023/2024 academic year

 1Ergashev J.D.
Alimova D.D.
 2Ismatova K.A.
Mamatova Sh.R.
 3Jabarova D.R. Nurmuhamedova F.B.  +   
 4Rasulova N.A.
Yakubov M.M.
 5Egamberdieva Z.D. Salomov K.M.    + 
 6Rajabov A.X.
Abdullaev X.N.

List of lecturers of the department for the 2023/2024 academic year

1. Head of department Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor Amonov Sh.E

2. Prof. Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences Khasanov S.A.

3. Prof. Department, Doctor of Sciences Karabaev Kh.E.

4. Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor of Sciences Bobokhonov G.K.

5. Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor of Sciences Mukhiddinov U.B.

6. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD. Jabbarova D.R.

7. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD. Rasulova N.A.

8. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD. Abdullaev Kh.N.

9. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD Ergashev Zh.D.

10. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD Alimova D.D.

11. Assistant of the Department, Doctor of Sciences Razhabov A.Kh.

12. Assistant of the department, PhD Nurmukhamedova F.B.

List of department examiners for the 2023/2024 academic year

1. Head of department Doctor of Sciences Professor Amonov Sh.E

2. Prof. Department, Doctor of Sciences Khasanov S.A.

3. Prof. Department, Doctor of Sciences Karabaev Kh.E.

4. Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor of Sciences Bobokhonov G.K.

5. Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor of Sciences Mukhiddinov U.B.

6. Associate Professor of the Department, Ph.D. Jabbarova D.R.

7. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD. Rasulova N.A.

8. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD. Abdullaev Kh.N.

9. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD Ergashev Zh.D.

10. Associate Professor of the Department, PhD Alimova D.D.

11. Assistant of the Department, Doctor of Sciences Razhabov A.Kh.

12. Assistant of the department, PhD Nurmukhamedova F.B.      

Educational and methodological activities

The curriculum on the subject of otorhinolaryngology, pediatric otorhinolaryngology has been prepared and approved according to the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan to improve the quality of training for 4th year bachelors from all faculties (I, II-pediatric), 5th year bachelors Medical-pedagogical and medical faculties) and 4th year (ethnoscience).

14 video lectures (in Uzbek and Russian) were prepared on the subject “Otorhinolaryngology”, a total of 720 tests were prepared. On the topics of 18 practical classes, 10 situational tasks and 20 control questions for each topic were prepared (in Russian and Uzbek).

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Educational-methodical complex and the work program in the Uzbek, Russian and English languages ​​were compiled and approved.

In 2022, 4 training manuals were prepared.

Training set practice session Training rooms equipped according to the study subjects, “Otology,” “Laryngology”, “Rhinology”, “Pharingology.” In each of the rooms have visual aids, including benches, models, anatomical, tool kits, and other tools for teaching students. Each room is equipped with a workplace doctor otolaryngologist. Work with students is also in sight, dressing, and operating ENT department’s bases. If necessary, students demonstrated their work available in the diagnostic and treatment equipment (audiometers, impedance, surgical microscope, fibrolaringoscope, device for endoscopic and endoscopic microlaryngeal rhinosurgery). Widely used interactive methods such as “brainstorming”, “synectics”, “incident”, “round table”, “three-step interview”, “Resolve”, “knob in the middle of the table”, “Review of opinions by rotation” “Tour of the gallery”, “Controversy”, “academic debate”, “Group Investigation”, “Analysis of emergency”, “Group Dynamics”, “Discrete Dynamics”, “cup”, “Snowballs”, “swarm”, “snowball”,” aquarium “,” Hot Potato “,” Daisy “,” Find your soul mate, “” Surprise “,” Choose a shape “,” jump out of the box “,” Boom “,” chevron “,” The Black Box “and others. Technical equipment of the department makes it possible to accompany the lecture presentations and videos created by employees of the department, to demonstrate to the audience directly from the operating performance of the operation. For the training of all conditions: tutorials, standards-based, Manuals, an extensive library, beautiful classrooms, equipped with modern technology (training dummy, a computer, an Internet connection, a projector, operating microscopes, endoscopes). For young people create all conditions up to send abroad for training. Young people grow, they all have their own scientific field. The amount of knowledge obtained during training specialist, covers all major areas of specialty. The doctors have the opportunity to master the technique of operations under a microscope and using endoscopes. Training chair is one of the best, and it is clear that young people choose a specialty ENT trying to get to the department. Chair of the learning process is divided into the following areas: o training of GPs; o Preparation Masters in Otolaryngology; o Preparation of clinical residents in otolaryngology; o training of doctors in the specialty. Database addresses Information on educational work department The main purpose of teaching work in the department is to create conditions that increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process. Management of educational and methodical work is carried Chair Professor. Amonov Sh.E. and Associate Professor DR Jabbarov Daily in the morning one of the conference and regular monthly meeting to discuss the department’s training and methodological issues. Methodical work in the department is a complex of measures aimed at: o Training on the methodical complex; o improving pedagogical skills of teachers, improving lectures, classroom and self-study; o improvement in all shapes, forms and methods of educational work in the department with the state and perspectives of development of medical care in Uzbekistan, for which the department prepares specialists; o Analysis of the processes taking place in the field of education, identifying trends in its development in the light of new scientific and technological developments; o Analysis of the activity and content of the training of GPs and ENT specialists in the field (provide corporate assistance and analyze the activities of AEP “Shark Haqiqati”, “Sh Rashid”, “Bayavut”, “Uzbekistan” and “Karzhou.” o Development of orders, instructions and directions of the Institute for the planning, organization and control of the educational process; o Control over the implementation of decisions of the Academic Council, orders and instructions of Directors Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, in terms of instructional activities; o Support the development and introduction of new technologies in the educational process. Meeting the challenges to ensure the objectives of the methodological work carried out at the department in the forms: o «teaching work” aimed at improving the methods of teaching disciplines, direct methodical providing of training, the introduction of his recommendations made as a result of scientific research, higher educational qualifications of the teaching staff; o «methodological work” with a view to a compilation of best practices, the future development of the learning process, improving its content and teaching methods, search for new principles, patterns, methods, forms and means of organization and technology training; o «organizational and methodological work”, covers the management activities of methodical work. o Nukus branch List of main documents on teaching – methodic work: o Textbooks o Methodic recommendations o Teaching – methodic manuals o Tests in different levels o Lectures on ENT o Library o Book – journal fund o Teaching videos Bachelor degree program (for prepare GPs) Normative documents (teaching – methodic documentation) 1. State standard of Uzbekistan for prepare GPs 2. Model program 3. Curriculum for 5 course of medic – pedagogue faculty 4. Curriculum for 5 course of pediatric faculty 5. Curriculum for 7 course of medic – pedagogue faculty 6. Curriculum for 7 course of pediatric faculty 7. Progress screen on ENT a. Register 5 course b. Register 7 course 8. Problem students 9. Talented students Master degree program Clinical internship.