In 1972were based at the Departmentof Social hygiene andorganization of healthand General hygiene, hygiene of childrenand adolescents.Thenon the General hygiene Departmentwas headed by ProfessorS. S. Alihodzhaev, andthe pulpitsocial hygieneassistant ProfessorAripovaT. A.In 1986pulpitsocial hygienebecameto leadProfessorMahmudovN.M. Both departmentsin 1997were Unitedand became known as\”General hygiene, social hygieneandhealth organization\”. 1997-2000head of Department \”General hygiene, social hygieneand organization of health care\” wasProfessorN.M.Makhmudov. Since 2000till present time the head ofthis Department isProfessorT.S.Iskandarov. Currentlythe Department is called\”Public health, organizationand management of health\”. Employeesof the Department, associate professors: M. F.fayziyev, V. T.Samadov, M. I.Khasanov, N.F.Rasulova, N.With.Mukhamedova, K.C.Nazarov, D. N.Kamilova, old.lecturer: K. M.B.M. Esdauletov, Ph. D.JalilovaG. A., Z. I.Tashenov, assistants: MDPhDZ. A.Abdurakhimov, M. A.Odilova, G. B.Mamedov, N.And.Maksudova, Z. R.Sattarova, D. D.Mirdadaev, N.B.Nazarova,E. S.Isaev, A. A. Akbaraliev, doctoral student,S.A.Jamalov. The Department3rd year studentsstudy \”Generalhygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents\”, \”Public health andhealth organization\”, the 7 coursestudents study the discipline\”Public health andhealth organization\”, \”Management and marketingin health care\”, \”Valeology\”, \”Hygienewith ecology\”. At the Departmentstudents of the facultyof Higher nursing1 coursestudy \”Human development\” and\”Nursingin the community\”, the 2nd course \”Medicalcommodity research\”, \”Clinical epidemiology\”, 3 course\”Management innursing\”, \”Sociologyof health and illness\” and\”Evidence-based medicine\”. Students of the faculty of higher nursing 3 course choose a different direction, of which in our Department are studying the discipline \”Management in nursing care\”, but the practical activity students spend in institutions of health care. Also, the Departmentall master 2 study course \”Managementin healthcare\”. Members of the Department,applicants and graduate studentsactively collaboratewith the following organizations: the Tashkent Institute of advanced medical, Scientific-research Institute ofsanitationand occupational diseases, Tashkent MedicalAcademy.Department staff are activelyinvolved in the developmentof methodical recommendations, manualsand textbooks onpublic healthandhealth organization, management,General hygiene, hygieneof children and adolescents.Currentlythey have released10 books, 28of methodical recommendationsandmanuals, 1dictionary of medicalterminology, aswell as a few guidelines. In additionthe Department staff, applicants and graduate studentstake active part ininternational meetings, the Instituteand Republican conferences,congresses and symposia. Todate, they have publishedmore than 300 abstracts,60articles and 6 monographs.