The birth rate is very high in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Each year are born on average 500 thousand children. All over the world, especially in our Republic, the main cause of infant mortality is a disease in the perinatal period. In this connection, for a detailed study of the causes, early diagnosis and implementation of efficient methods for the treatment of neonatal diseases and for the preparation of neonatologists, there was the need to establish the Department of Neonatology at Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

  28 May 1997 11 meeting of the Academic Council of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute was approved the creation of the Department of Neonatology at 6.25 units of the states with the September 1, 1997. The post of head of the department was appointed PhD Muhamadzhonova Mukhtabar Ortikovna. his labor activity department began as a part of the following staff: lecturers: M. Ismailova A Gulyamova MA, Rakhmankulova Z. J., assistants k.m.n Amizyan NM, k.m.n Molokova LI , Ganiev SM, Ismailov BA, BA Umarov

  Since 1997, we began to be trained at the rate of neonatal students 5 and 6, and 2nd year students on the basics of newborn care. Since 2002 at the Department of Neonatology opened magistracy on a specialty “Neonatology”.

  The Department continues its work activities on the basis of the founders of the tradition of the school of Pediatrics Uzbekistan academician Shamsieva Shamsievicha Saifi, a former head of the Department of propaedeutics of children’s diseases, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Irena Bodnya Arkadyevna.

Currently, the department has extended to 10.25 staff.

Since 2002, the Department of Neonatology led by Professor Anvar Alimov Valievich. The composition of the staff of the Department of 5 associate professors, 6 assistants, including 2 MD, PhD 4

In 2000, organized at the Department of Pediatric ToshPMI Association, started its activities section of neonatologists in Tashkent.

On the part of the department for 85 young experts trained the last period.

Currently, the following employees work at the Department: Head. Chair Professor AV Alimov, associate MD, Z.Zh., Rakhmankulova, UF Nasirov, MD, MA Ismailov, NM Amizyan, MA Gulyamova, assistants MK Abdukadirova, DS Saidumarova, FF Tursunbaeva.

Since 2016 N.K.Hodjamova entered the Institute senior researcher Jobseekers TashPMI Department of Neonatology.

Employees of the department regularly in the direction of air ambulance, as well as providing assistance in primary care in the health system SVP.

All members of the department every 5 years are advanced training courses. In addition, several members of the department are qualified in the US and Finland, Italy, Moscow (Russia), Lviv (Ukraine), and Bishkek, Kitay.S inception of the department 2 of the textbook was published, 3 manuals, over 25 methodical manuals and more 150 scientific articles in various national and foreign magazines.

Employees of the department actively participate in the international conference with their reports and theses.

In 2013, members of the department were trained in neonatal resuscitation and received certificates of Health and the American International Health Association Committee. Employees of the department are actively cooperating with international organizations such as UNICEF (UN), USAID (USA), JICA (Japan). They are also involved, as a participant in international projects “Family education”, “criteria of live birth infants”, “integrated management of disease of children”, “fortifying vitamin – A child in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.