June 1 - "International Children's Day" is celebrated as a holiday every year around the world, as well as in our country, this holiday has become a tradition. 

On May 30, Deputy of People's Deputies Mirzo Ulug'bek District Council Yo.N. With the initiative and patronage of Alisher Navoi Madjidova, a festive program with the participation of animators, dances and gifts were distributed for the children of the "Reatsentr Tashkent" clinic at the "Children Save the World" clinic.

Decree No. PF-60 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026” (https://lex.uz/uz/ docs/-5841063) on April 20, 2024, MP Madjidova Yo.N. with the initiatives of TashPTI with the participation of associate professors, masters and clinical coordinators of the Department of Neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics, a free medical examination was held for patients with Wilson-Konovalov disease, which causes disability in children. 30 patients from Tashkent city, Tashkent, Kashkadarya and Navoi regions participated in the examination. Necessary recommendations on treatment and diagnosis were given to patients.

Spiritual and moral work at the department is conducted according to the plan.

✅ On January 29, 2024, in cooperation with the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and the "Reatsentr Tashkent" clinic, children with speech defects, reduced learning, attention and writing disorders, logoneurosis (stuttering), hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome will be held at school 64 in Mirzo-Ulugbek district. MPs for Prof. Majidova E. N. and Yusupova M. D. a charity event was held with his initiatives.
✅ In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 9, 2018 "On additional measures for the development of chess in the Republic of Uzbekistan" No. Madjidova and M. A chess competition was organized on Yusupova's initiative.

 ♟Through this competition, chess, which is considered a game of intelligence, is considered to be more widely promoted in our country and meaningful spending of free time of young people is considered to increase the level of logical thinking of the growing young generation. At the end of the event, chess boards were presented to the participants and winners.
✅On the occasion of the birthday of the great thinker poet Alisher Navoi, every year February 9 is celebrated in our country with great joy and festive mood.

✅The event organized by the initiative of Prof. Madjidova EN, head of the department of neurology, pediatric neurology and medical genetics, was dedicated to this date.
As noted at the event, the invaluable creative and scientific heritage of Alisher Navoi occupies a special place in the development of not only our nation, but also world literature, national culture and literary and aesthetic thinking.
✅The great poet showed high universal ideas, incomparable vocabulary and limitless possibilities of expression of our mother tongue in his poetic and prose works with all charm and elegance, and occupied a worthy place in the hearts of millions of readers.

Alisher Navoi worked tirelessly for the benefit of the Uzbek people and culture throughout his life, it was noted that he created masterpieces, in a word, made an incomparable contribution to the development of the country and the well-being of the people.

Acquaintances about the law Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On measures to further develop the system of higher education (RP-2909)


Magisters read the book “Maktub ul kulub”
