Usmanova Durdona Dzhurabaevna
Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-8939-0054
- Phone: +998 (90) 940 68 64
- Email:
Ishankulov Artikbay Khkhkh
Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-2790-8970
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 29 07
- Email:
Ergasheva Nargiza Nasriddinovna
Responsible for
International realtions
Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-5079-3166
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 13 71
- Email:
Kim Olga Vladislavovna
Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Senior lecturer-Free PhD candidate
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-2481-4183
- Phone: +998 (71) 289 61 54
- Email:
Maksudova Khurshida Nabievna
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-8629-1333
- Phone: +998 (71) 289 61 54
- Email:
Saidkhodzhaeva Saida Nabievna
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6317-4476
- Phone: +998 (71) 262 34 03
- Email:
Nurmukhamedova Mukhlisakhon Anvarkhodzhaevna
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-4302-2467
- Phone: +998 (71) 224 55 11
- Email:
Ziyakhodzhaeva Latofat Uchkunovna
Responsible for
Medical work
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-4062-6107
- Phone: +998 (93) 569 86 89
- Email:
Azimova Nodira Mirvasitovna
Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6690-215X
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 60 08
- Email:
Bakhramov Makhmudzhon Saydullo Ugli
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-8851-699X
- Phone: +998 (94) 432 28 28
- Email:
Akhmedova Dildorakhon Sadillakhuzhaevna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-4998-9799
- Phone: +998 (90) 995 14 17
- Email:
Nasirova Dilfuza Shovkatovna
Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-2661-4057
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 31 17
- Email:
Abidova Mukaddas Atkhamovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-gv
- Phone: +998 (99) 834 09 67
- Email:
Bosimov Mukhammadzhon Shukurullaevich
Responsible for
Material riches
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-7392-930
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 29 07
- Email:
Boboniyazov Kamilzhon Kuranbaevich
Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Senior Lecturer
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0437-6932
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 29 07
- Email:
Abdusattarova Gavkhar Shukhratovna
Responsible for
International realtions
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-6347-7453
- Phone: +998 (71) 000 00 00
- Email:
Babazhanova Umida Tazhimuratovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant-Free PhD applicant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-7816-2953
- Phone: +998 (97) 409 15 40
- Email:
Yakubova Zulfiya Azizzhon Kizi
Responsible for
Material riches
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6046-3934
- Phone: +998 (97) 409 79 70
- Email:
Mirzakhmedova Sitorakhon Odilkhon Kizi
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
- Phone: +998 (99) 395 33 13
- Email:
Usmanov Saidolim Akhrolovich
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6872-4932
- Phone: +998 (90) 903 25 03
- Email:
Khamidova Nodira Abduzhabbarovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-7531-2437
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 31 17
- Email:
Pak Antonina Alikovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-5718-0618
- Phone: +998 (71) 260 28 46
- Email:
Khusenova Nodirakhon Turgunovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0225-2362
- Phone: +998 (93) 994 88 88
- Email:
Abdullaev Zafarzhon Khikmatillaevich
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0009-0007-6525-8052
- Phone: +998 (94) 424 34 14
- Email:
Mirdzhuraev Zhakhongir Elbekovich
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant-PhD Student
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 3303
- Phone: +998 (97) 749 03 30
- Email:
Bakhriev Bakhriddin Rizvonul Uli
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-8113-8364
- Phone: +998 (91) 223 72 50
- Email: