At the department, spiritual and moral work is carried out according to the approved plan. “Aхborot soatlari” is held weekly, events, meetings and talks on various spiritual and moral topics are regularly organized. The department has 5 curatorial groups of medical and medical pedagogical faculty. Curators of the department with their groups visit theaters, museums and sights of Uzbekistan. The department pays special attention to the appearance of students, a healthy lifestyle, aesthetic and moral education. The teaching staff of the department actively participates in all the activities of the institute and constantly occupy places of honor.

All employees of the department visit the student dorm every month. Curators of the groups of the Faculty of General Medicine got acquainted with the living conditions of students living in rented apartments. Professor A.M. Mannanov 401-404 2 PF groups conducted “Mustakillik darsini” It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of each student, how he should dress, and conducted a conversation on a spiritual and moral topic. On the teacher’s day at 404 1 of the faculty’s pediatrics, a conversation was held on the topic “Ustozlarni qadrlaymiz”. and Mun A.V. ! December marked the day of the fight against AIDS with students of the 3rd and 4th courses.

Particular attention was paid to the curatorial groups, where the event was held on the day of the fight against AIDS. From the side of assistants Khodjaeva S.M. and Bababekova N.B. a conversation was held at the TATU for the day of the fight against carried out activities in the form of a conversation.
On Women’s Day, March 8, an event was held, congratulating women working at the department, also the head of the department of dermatovenerology prof. Mannanov A.M. personally and on behalf of the teachers of the department, he congratulated girls and women on the International Women’s Day. Department assistants. Khodjaeva S.M. and Mun A.V. carried out a medical examination of children of orphanages in Tashkent. The identified sick children were sent for inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment was prescribed.
During the academic year, meetings on spiritual and moral education are held every month. Throughout the year, “Axborot Soatlari” was held every week and on the basis of this information, propaganda and educational work is carried out among teachers and students. All festive events are systematically held at the department.

The staff of the department is actively involved in the social life of the institute, in sports competitions – they take prizes in volleyball and football.
While on duty in the dormitory, a conversation is held on the topic “Prevention of venereal diseases.”
In connection with the coronavirus, the curators of the groups are conducting videos of 5 tashabbus with the students of their groups. Visiting the museum online, students go in for sports, read books, learn to work with a computer. All events are recorded with photographs.