The course on Endocrinology was organized at SAMPI (Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute) in 1980, at the Department of Hospital Pediatrics, the heads of the department were : Prof. Pashkovsky E.F., prof. Abdullakhodjaev M.S., prof.Kim A.A. Professor, MD. Ismailov Saidganikhoja Ibrahimovich, the head of the course of Endocrinology was appointed assoc. Sharafuddinova L.M. Assistant secretary: Candidate of Medical Sciences Mirkamilova M.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences Baymatova G. Zh, acc Rakhimova L.M.,. The department organized educational, methodical, therapeutic, scientific activities This course was organized on the basis of the Republican Endocrinological Dispensary (100 beds) In 1981, the course of endocrinology was transferred to the Research Institute of Endocrinology and continued its activities. In 1989, a new building was allocated for the endocrinology course. In 1994, Professor Bodnya I. A. created the Department of Endocrinology on the basis of the course of Endocrinology. Head of the Department assoc. Sharafuddinova L.M. ass. Khodjaeva F.S., acc. Babakhodzhaeva Sh.A., acc. Nigmatov A.N., Candidate of Medical Sciences Baimatova G.Zh., acc. Rakhimova L.M. actively carried out educational, methodological, therapeutic, scientific activities of the department From 1998 to 2022, the Department of Endocrinology was headed by Professor S.I. Ismailov.

Saidganihoja Ibrahimovich was the founder and chairman of the Endocrinological and Diabetic Association of Uzbekistan. The professor has been regularly helping people with diabetes for many years, actively promoted the entry of our Association into the MFD. The creation of the Association and the receipt of the MFD grant became a catalyst for the implementation of projects to create diabetic foot offices and diabetes schools throughout the Republic. S.I. Ismailov was the initiator of the creation of the journal “Diabetes in Uzbekistan”, which contributed to strengthening the connection between doctors and people with endocrine diseases.

Saidganikhoja Ibrahimovich was born on December 14, 1948 in Tashkent in a family of doctors. After graduating from high school, he entered the Peoples’ Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba in Moscow, where he later continued his postgraduate studies and defended his PhD thesis, followed by a doctoral dissertation in Kiev.

Returning to Uzbekistan, Saidganihoja Ibrahimovich worked for the benefit of the development of medical science, fundamental and clinical at the same time, was a successful leader in the development of the country’s healthcare, improvement and improvement of the quality of endocrine services.

Saidganihoja Ibrahimovich is a true representative of the Uzbek intelligentsia. Being a follower of the glorious traditions of his teacher, academician Yalkin Kholmatovich Turakulov, Professor Ismailov was able to integrate world standards into Uzbek endocrinology.

During his long-term work since 1996 as director of the Research Institute of Endocrinology, then renamed the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology named after Academician Y.H. Turakuov of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a number of organizational and structural transformations were carried out aimed at training competitive medical personnel and highly spiritual personalities. Professor Ismailov S.I. He acted as an active supporter of the integration of science and practice by instilling in young employees, professional practical skills and the formation of logical thinking, from the first days of training. From 1998 to 2022, Professor Ismailov was the head of the Department of Endocrinology with Pediatric Endocrinology of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Under his leadership, a galaxy of masters, clinical residents of endocrinologists and pediatricians of endocrinologists were trained.

The peculiarity of the work performed and the position held was the management and organization of the institute and clinic, the endocrine service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientific, methodological and practical assistance to regional endocrine dispensaries, the introduction of modern effective methods of treatment and the results of scientific research into healthcare practice. All this contributed to the creation of a unique scientific center that has no analogues in Central Asia.

Through the efforts of Professor Ismailov, a lot of work was done to study the state of quality and control of iodization of food salt in the Republic of Uzbekistan, which contributed to the prevention of goiter and related diseases in the country. Thanks to the comprehensive activity of Saidganihodji Ibrahimovich, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the prevention of iodine deficiency diseases” of May 3, 2007 was adopted in Uzbekistan. More than 15 years ago, Professor Ismailov raised issues that remain relevant to this day.

Thanks to the comprehensive support of the Endocrinological and Diabetic Association of Uzbekistan, which was headed by Saidganihoja Ibrahimovich, modern and innovative medical technologies for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus began to be introduced in Uzbekistan. Within the framework of the association’s activities, projects were implemented to provide children with insulin pumps, for the first time children were provided with analog insulins.

The results of scientific research of Professor S.I. Ismailov and his colleagues, co-authors, students are presented in 22 manuals, 3 textbooks, 7 monographs, 10 patents, 584 articles, 87 methodological manuals and manuals. Under his leadership, more than a hundred specialists, endocrinologists, endocrine surgeons have been trained in the country, 7 doctoral and 24 candidate dissertations have been defended. He became an active participant in 45 congresses, 37 International Congresses, 72 scientific and practical conferences.

From 2009 to the present, the department is headed by MD, Professor Nasyrova Khurshidakhon Kudratullayevna.

Currently, the staff of the department are: MD, Professor Urmanova Yulduz Makhkamovna, MD, Professor Akhmedova Shakhnoza Ulugbekovna, MD, Professor Shamansurova Zulaykho Muralimzhanovna, PhD, Associate Professor Khodjaeva Feruza Sodikovna, PhD, Associate Professor Rikhsieva Nazira Tahirovna, PhD, Associate Professor Muminova Sitorakhon Ulugbekovna, PhD, Associate professor Mirzayeva Umida Zahidovna, assistant Mukhammedaminova Diera Timurovna, assistant Dadakhonova Maryam Bakhtierovna, assistant Maksudova Dilafruzhon Ravshanovna, assistant Muzaffarova Dilnoza Mustafa kizi, assistant Kurbanov Donier Bakhtierovich, assistant Begmatov Boburmirzo Bahromovich.

Students of the 4th year of the pediatric faculty study at the department on the subject “”Endocrinology with pediatric endocrinology”, students of the 4th year of medical and medical-pedagogical faculties on the subject of “Endocrinology”.

In their scientific and practical, pedagogical activities, the staff of the department closely cooperate with the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Endocrinology.

The staff of the department actively participates in the development of methodological recommendations and textbooks on endocrinology and pediatric endocrinology.