The integrated subject: «Modern diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of congenital diseases of eyes at children».

The department conducts scientific job on the following subjects:

1. New methods of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of pathologies of body of sight in children.

2. Transplantation of amniotic membranes at diseases of conjunctiva and cornea. In 2011 by  Iskandarova M. A is protected the dissertation on degree of the candidate of medical sciences.

3. Perfection of methods of surgical treatment and rehabilitation of children with traumatic cataract.

4. Laser treatments of the congenital and acquired pathologies of body of sight in children.

5. Optimisation of diagnostics and surgical correction of some forms of an atypical squint in children.

6. Age features of refraction after extraction of unilateral congenital cataract in children.

7. Perfection of surgical treatment of children with a congenital glaucoma. In 2019 by  Xamroeva Yu.A. is protected the dissertation on degree PhD.

8. Clinical – immune aspects of dignostics of allergic diseases of the eyes in schoolchildren.  In 2017 by  Nazirova Z.R. is protected the dissertation on degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

 9. Features of diagnostics and surgical treatment of eye displays of Marfan syndrome. In 2019 by  Toshpulatova A.Z. is protected the dissertation on degree PhD.

The degree of scientific activity of department – 45%.

Student’s scientific organization

In 2018- 2019 year on Student’s scientific organization 8 students of 5th and 7th courses have participated. Results of their scientific jobs are published in the collection of theses 43 student’s scientific conferences. Student of master`s degree department Boboha L.Y. under the guidance of Hamraeva L.S. participated the report in yong  sintefist’s scientific conferences and have received 1 prize-winning places.

The National Development Program “Science – 2020”


The increase the efficiency of the research activities professor of teachers composition of the Department of ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology   Development Program “Science-2020”, access, to international educational resources, electronic catalogs and databases of modern scientific literature.


All 12 member of the Department of ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology employers registered to Scopus and Science Direct

Download information on the specialty

 All the staff of the department of ophthalmology, children’s ophthalmology downloaded 230 information from the international scientific and technical database Scopus and Science Direct on the theme of strabismus, the disease of the lens, vitreous, retina and glaucoma. Assistants of the department Tashmukhamedov A.A. on retinal diseases, Makhmudova D.T. on the strabismus, Boboha L.Y. on diseases of the lens and under the direction of Ph.D. Turakulova D.M. two master degree of the 3rd year students on glaucoma uses downloaded data in his dissertation works