Educational work in the department is conducted in the following forms:
• Undertake awareness and educational hours with students
• Conducting department of educational activities in the dorm
• Visit the department staff dormitories
• Participation in sports and public events of Institute
• Participate in events dedicated to socially significant events of the state

Teachers of the department are the curators of the academic groups on the 2rd course:
o Assistant Mustakimova F.A. – Curator of  204 group of Faculty of therapy
o Assistant Pazylova S.B. – Curator of  202 group of Faculty of therapy
o Assistant Fazyldzhanova A.S. – Curator of  203 group of Faculty of therapy
o Assistant Babadjanova F.A. –  Curator of 201 group of Faculty of therapy

In 2017-2018 teachers of department are curators of the academic groups on the 2nd course:
o Assistant Mustakimova F.A. – curator 204 groups Medical business of faculty
o the Assistant Pazylova S.B. is a curator 202 groups Medical business of faculty
o the Assistant Kamalova Z.M. is a curator 203 groups Medical business of faculty
o Assistant Babadzhanova F.A. – curator of 201 groups Medical business of faculty

In 2018-2019 academic year. curator groups are:
301- Therapeutic Faculty: curator Babadjanova F.A.
302- Therapeutic Faculty: curator Pazilova S.P.
303- Therapeutic Faculty: curator Kamalova Z.M.
304-Therapeutic Faculty: Curator Mustakimova F.A.