Approved by the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 7, 2018 No. PF-5590 ” 2019 — The concept of development of the Health System Of The Republic of Uzbekistan in 2025”, ensuring the implementation of the tasks established by the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on approval of the concept of development of the higher education system until 2030” dated October 8, 2019 PF-5847.M.2, 3 of the statement of the 34th meeting held on June 16, 2021 in the Rajah of Mirziyoyev, In order to ensure the implementation of paragraphs 10, the rector of ToshPTI established the CAREER CENTER –TPTI on assistance in their employment and monitoring of employment of students and graduates of TPTI under the order of March 15, 2022.
Graduate Employment Strategy
As the main tasks (directions) of the CAREER CENTER –TPTI are as follows
- to teach students the basics of labor law documents, skills in the search for suitable vacancies in the labor market, ways to prepare a resume for employment and pass an interview with an employer, to familiarize themselves with the documents required for employment;
- introducing students to the profession with the involvement of advanced specialists and experts of the medical network, the current and promising state of affairs in the labor market, modern information on a particular profession, place of work and employers, promising enterprises;
- Organization of job fairs, career days with the participation of labor bodies, educational institutions, interested agencies and organizations and the implementation of activities that strengthen students ‘ interests in professional activities in the future;
- training of specialists of a higher educational institution, employment of graduates, preparation and publication of current labor activity (career) of graduates who have already graduated from this higher educational institution, as well as other analytical materials in this direction.
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