Department of “biological chemistry” Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute was founded in 1972. Its first head was Associate Abdullayev Faizullo Abdullaevich (1972-1974 gg.).
From 1975 to 1990 he headed the Department of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolaev. A. Nikolaev, a unique scientific school. Under his leadership 17 doctoral and 90 master’s theses, published 12 monographs, 275 scientific articles. Department of “biological chemistry” in 1996 was named AI Nikolaev.
From 1991 to 2002 headed the Department Professor Rustam Gulyamovich Sultans. Under the guidance of RG Sultanov reserved 1 doctor and four master’s theses, published 7 books, 372 scientific articles.
From 2002 to 2009 headed the Department of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Saatovich Saatov Talat, who still works at the department professor. TS Saatov more than 20 years as head of the Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, in close collaboration with the Department of Biochemistry, which works. Under the direction of TS Saatova reserved 8 doctoral and 30 master’s theses, published six monographs, 3 textbooks, 12 study guides and more than 450 scientific papers, including more than 16 patents.
Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry was organized in 1972-1973 academic year. Its first head was A. Yuldashev (1972-1974 gg.). From 1974 to 1994 headed the Department HH Khakimov, from 1994 to 1997 headed the Department SR Tulyaganov. In the 1997-1998 academic year, the department in charge of AA Akbar. In 1998-2001, the department in charge of RG Sultans, and from 2002 to the present head of the course “bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry” is Nazir Tillyahodzhaevna Alimhodzhaeva.
In 1990, organized by the Department “General and Bioorganic Chemistry” by combining the Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry.
In 1992, a department of “Organic and Biological Chemistry” by combining the Department of Inorganic, Organic and Biological Chemistry.
In 1997, the newly organized Department “Medical and Biological Chemistry.”
In 2002, a division of the chair again organized by the Department of “General Chemistry”.
Since 2005, on the orders of Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the joint chairs – formed the course “bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry.”
From 2009 to the present head of the department “Biological, bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry” is a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Nasirdzhan Muhamedzhanovich Yuldashev.
From 2017 to the present head of the department “Medical and Biological Chemistry, Medical Biology, General Genetics”” is a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Nasirdzhan Muhamedzhanovich Yuldashev.
Since that time, the Department of Biochemistry of the discipline to work the following personnel:
Professors: Holmuhamedova NM, Mamutov JI
Teaching: Abdukayumova MH, Ismoilhodzhaeva GG, Turgunov HZ, Yuldashev LN, Talimbekova GZ
Assistants: Goziev TG, Nazirova VE, Abid A., Kozhinskaya EM, Rakhmonov NH
We always remember the staff of the department “BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY”

Associate Professor Abdullayev Fayzulla Abdullaevich (1935 – 19).
From 1972 to 1974. headed the department.
Born in 1935 in Tashkent in the family of doctors. In 1953 he graduated from high school with honors and entered the medical faculty of TashMI. After graduating in 1959, began working at the Department of Biochemistry of the Institute. In 1964 he defended his thesis. In 1968, at the Department of Biochemistry, received the title of associate professor TashMI. Abdullaev FA preparing a doctoral thesis on the topic: “Purification of pancreatic lipase and study its properties.” He is the author of 90 scientific articles and abstracts. In 1972, under his leadership, Sampo (now TashPMI) was organized by the Department of Biochemistry. He led the Society of Biochemistry in Uzbekistan.

Honorary member of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Professor Nicholas Alexander (1975-1990).
Honored Worker of Science and Technology, a member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbek SSR. He had a remarkable sense of new, relevant, necessary in science. He was instrumental in implementing the ideas of his students, to determine the prospects of scientific research, introducing them to independence. The range of his research interests cover a number of issues in various branches of medicine and in particular – Immunology. AI Nikolaev studied autoimmune reactions during various diseases: radiation sickness, leukemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Under his leadership 17 doctoral and 90 master’s theses, published 12 monographs, 275 scientific articles.
Subsequently, in 1996 the department was named after academician AI Nikolaev. Merit AI Nikolaev to the country marked the Order of the Red Banner (twice), a sign of honor, the rank of “Excellent Health”.

Professor Rustam Sultanov Gulyamovich(1991-2002).
C 1972 to 1987. worked as an assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry TashPMI. From 1987 to 1990. – Professor. From 1991 to 2002. he was the head of the department. From 1992-1997. – Deputy. Dean, chairman of the Commission on monothematic biochemistry and chemistry at the medical school of CERs. Chairman of the National Society of Biochemistry Section of Medical Biochemistry.
The range of his research interests include issues of significance of autoantibodies in the development of tumors and in tissue respiration, and immune response in hepatitis and questions of their correction. Under his leadership 1 doctor, 4 Ph.D. theses, published 1 textbook, 181 scientific papers and 8 patents.

Professor Ibragimov Utkir Kudratovich
Since 1988, at the Department “Biochemistry.” Since 1992 – Professor of “biological, bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry.”
Specialization – medicine, biochemistry, clinical and laboratory diagnosis.
Degree – Doctor of Medicine (1991).
Doctoral thesis defended at the Institute of Nutrition of the RussianAcademy of Sciences on the theme: “Molecular mechanisms of injury in experimental salmonelleze biomembranes and biochemical rationale for the use of antioxidants.”
From 1995 to 1997 was head of clinical biochemistry course, and since 1997 head. Central Research Laboratory.
The author of 12 monographs and 174 articles, 5 patents. Under his leadership 17 PhD and 7 doctoral dissertation. In 2003 he was elected an academician of Euro-Asian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Sultanghodjaev Utkir Lutfullaevich (1938-2016)
From 1991 to 2016 he was an associate professor of the Department of Biological, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry.
Specialty is biochemistry.
Specialization – biochemistry of humans and animals.
Degree – candidate of biological sciences (1990).
Candidate dissertation is defended at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the subject: “Organo-substrate specificity of lipases and their relationship with lipid metabolism in normal and pathological conditions”.
Author of 1 textbook, more than 60 articles, 6 methodical guides and manuals and more than 103 abstracts.
The results of scientific research were applied at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, practical classes and lectures of TashPMI and TMA. The use of the developed methods makes it possible to clarify the issues of lipid biochemistry, their significance in the functions of membranes of hepatocytes and other organs, as well as methods for correcting the structure of cell membranes by liposomes stuffed with antioxidants.