1. Organization of training

1.1. Teaching is conducted through lectures, workshops, and implementation of self-study.

The department uses modern interactive pedagogical methods and forms of training using multimedia and video films.

1.2. Current control of students’ knowledge is carried out in each lesson and is carried out in the form of an interview between teachers and students, as well as through test control.
Current control of students is conducted in four forms:
       a) The laboratory work
       b) the answers to test questions
       c) oral questioning
       d) solution of situational problems
Summarizes the results of the results of current, intermediate and final control.
The final control is carried out orally or in test form.
1.3. One type of training subject is a laboratory workshop. The head of the laboratory and laboratory assistants of the department are engaged in its preparation.
1.4. All the professors and lecturers of the department conduct counseling for students.
1.5. There are methodological study with 20 seats, which in recent years used as a training class for scheduled student activities and SSS.
1.6. Multimedia illustrations are updated annually to all lectures and practical exercises.

2. Learning content
Improving the educational process and its methodological support is one of the main concerns of the department.
2.1. Department of Biochemistry TashPMI conjunction with the Department of Biochemistry of TMA are the developers working on the biochemistry program, approved by Ministry of Health of  the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the creation of this program were directly involved Head. Department of Biochemistry and the staff of the department.

2.2. At the department also developed a new model program in biochemistry, which includes changes affecting mainly the molecular biological basis of pathological conditions and age of  human metabolism.
2.3. Employees in the department updated tests current and final control of knowledge in biochemistry in all major sections.
2.4. The basic textbook of biological chemistry textbooks are:

  1. Berezov T.T., Korovkin B.F. Biological chemistry “, M., 1990.
  2. Aleinikova T.L., Rubtsova G.V. Guide to practical exercises in biological chemistry, 1988.
  3. Sobirova R.A., Inoyatova F.Kh., Shukurov I.B. “Biologist kime”, Tashkent, 2008.
  4. Sobirova R.A., Abrorov O.A., Inoyatova F.Kh., Aripov A.N. “Biologist kime”, Tashkent, 2006.
  5. Sultanov R.G., Holmukhamedova N.M., Sultanhodzhaev O.L., Karimova Sh.F. “Biochemistryadan Amaliy Mashgulotlar”, Tashkent, 2006.
  6. Sultanov R.G., Kholmukhamedova N.M. “Biochemistryadan Amali Mashgulotlar”, Toshkent, 1995.
  7. Nikolaev A.Ya. “Biologist chemistry”, Tashkent, 1991.

2.5. Students are also recommended additional textbooks, both Russian and foreign authors translated into Russian, in particular, the textbooks:

  1. Sultanov R.G., Ibragimov U.K. Collection of biochemical indicators.
  2. The journal “Uzbek Biological Journal”
  3. The journal “Reports of the Academy of Sciences.”
  4. The journal “Biochemistry”, (Russia).
  5. Nikolaev A.Ya. “Biological chemistry”, Moscow, 2006 (electronic version).
  6. Berezov T.T., Korovkin B.F. “Biological chemistry”, M., 2006 (electronic version)
  7. Leninger A. Biochemistry, 1, 2, 3 volume. 1990 (Russian and English)
  8. Coleman “Visual biochemistry” (electronic version).
  9. Ed. Severina E.S. “Biochemistry”, 2007.

2.6. Students also recommended electronic Internet resources:







2.7. Members of the department are regularly involved in the placement test in chemistry and chemical holding competitions among students.

       • Calendar-themed plans for lectures and workshops (see: Downloads)

       • Evaluation criteria and rating system in biochemistry (see: Students)

       • Tests of survival knowledge in biochemistry is in the test center TashPMI

Methodical work department

Educational tools

1. Published and are currently preparing new teaching and learning materials on the topics of the course of biochemistry, including individual faculty and foreign students studying in English. Also prepare manuals for test control.
The department has prepared and published methodological and educational manuals on biochemistry for bachelors of 1 and 2 courses in Russian, Uzbek and English:

Educational tools
NamemethodicalmanualAuthorsPlace of publicationYear of publication,page
1Methods of laboratory analysis, a PIA, their clinical and diagnostic value (for students 2-year pediatric medical and educational faculties of medical college)
(in Russian. language)
Saatov TS,
Yuldashev, NM
Ziyamutdinova ZK,
Khaibullina ZR,
Sultanhodzhaev WL
Akbarhodzhaeva HN,
Nishantaev MK
«Yoshlar Matbuoti», 100113, Tashkent, Chilanzar-8
str. Kataral, 60
30 pp.
2QVPda bajariladigan tashxis usullari va ularning klinik-diagnostik ahamiyati.
(Tibbiyot oily o `quv yurtlari pediatriya va tibbiy-pedagogika fakultetlari two-kurs talabalari uchun o` quv uslubiy qo `llanma)
(on uzbek. Latina. language)
Saatov TS,
Yuldashev N.M.,
Karimova Sh.F. Ziyamutdinova Z.K.,
Xaybullina Z.R, Sultanxajaev U.L.,
Akbarxodjaeva H.N.,
Nishantaev M.K.
30 pp.
3ҚVPda bazhariladigan laboratory tashhis usullari va ularning clinical-diagnostic ahamiyati.
(TIBBIYOT Oliy o’quv yurtlari pediatri va Tibby – pedagogy fakultetlari 2-kurs talabalari uchun)
(in Uzbek. language)
Saatov TS,
Yuldashev NM
Karimov SF,
Ziyamutdinova ZK,
Khaibullina ZR
Sultanhodzhaev WL,
Akbarhodzhaeva HN,
Nishantaev MK
Tashkent2011 y.
30 pp.
4Methodology of laboratory analysis performance, clinical-diagnostic interpretation.Saatov T.S.,
Juldashev N.M.,
KarimovaSh.F., Haybullina Z.R.
30 pp.
5“Bioanorganik kimё fanidan amaliy ko’nikmalarning qadamma-qadam bazharilishi” o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Suleimanova GG,Akbarhodzhaeva HN“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 y2013 y36 pр.
6“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan testlar to’plami” o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Ayhodzhaev BKIkramova ZA,Suleimanova GG,Asimov AM“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd.,  Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd2013 y70 pр.
7“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan amaliy ko’nikmalarning qadamma – qadam bazharilishi” (lotin) o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Suleimanova GG“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd.,   Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd 2013 у35 pр.
8“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan testlar to’plami” (lotin) o’quv-usluby qo’llanma Alimhodzhaeva NT,Ayhodzhaev BKIkramova ZA,Suleimanova GG“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd2013 y63 pр.
9“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan amaliy ko’nikmalarning qadamma – qadam bazharilishi” (russ) o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Suleimanova GG,Akbarhodzhaeva HN“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd2013 y61 pр.
10“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan testlar to’plami” (russ) o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Ayhodzhaev BKIkramova ZA,Suleimanova GG,Asimov AM“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd2013 y60 pр.
11“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan amaliy ko’nikmalarning qadamma – qadam bazharilishi” o’quv-usluby qo’llanma AlimhodzhaevaNT,Arifzhanov SZIkramova ZA,Suleimanova GG,Asimov AM“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd2013 y35 pр.
12“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan amaliy ko’nikmalarning qadamma – qadam bazharilishi”  (lotin) o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Ikramova ZA“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi  24 yd2013 у35 pр.
13“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan testlar to’plami” (lotin) o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaevaNT,Arifzhanov SZIkramova ZA,Suleimanova GG,Asimov AM“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi  24 yd 2013 у59 pр.
14“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan amaliy ko’nikmalarning qadamma – qadam bazharilishi” (russ) ўқuv-usluby қўllanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Ikramova ZA,Akbarhodzhaeva HN“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd2013 y35 pр.
15“Bioanorganik kimyo fanidan testlar to’plami” (russ) o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Arifzhanov SZIkramova ZA,Suleimanova GG,Asimov AM“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi  24 yd2013 y60 pр.
16“Stepping practical skills in bioinorganic chemistry” o’quv-usluby qo’llanmaAlimhodzhaeva NT,Suleimanova GG,Akbarhodzhaeva HN“Geo fan poligraf” MCHZH bosmahonasida chop etilgan.Manzi: 100170, Tashkent Rd., Do’rmon io’li ko’chasi 24 yd2013 y
17“Sut biohimiyasy” Yuldashev N.M.,Karimova Sh.F.,Ziyatdinova Z.K.,Ismailova G.O.,Nishantaev M.K. “The original layout extremum press” MCHZH nashriёti, 100053 Tashkent shahri, Bogishamol 3. 2015 y40 b. 2,5 b.t.            
18The exchange of lipids in normal and pathological conditions “training manualYuldashev N.M.Ziyamutdinova Z.K.Karimova Sh.F.Akbarxodjaeva X.N.Sultanxodjaev U.L.“The original layout Eksteremum-press” Publishing House, 100053 Tashkent, Bogishamol 3.2016.63 pp.7,6 p. sh.
19Chemistry. Solutions of test tasks. 2014-2015Ismailova G.О.entrant Library. Tests: a tutorial. Tashkent 2016. typography. «Spectrum Media Group» LLC. Tashkent, Bunyodkor Avenue, 28240 pp.24,2 p. sh.
Call for Papers
1.“Prognostic criteria of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in neonates”(in Russian. language)Khaibullina ZROzR Sohliqni Saqlash Vazirligi.
OOO «Vita color»,
Tashkent Malak oshirish institutda, neonatology kafedrasida, mudiri Mukhamedova HT Akusherlik va gynecology ilmy – Amalia marcasite. 04.08.11, № 8/44.
8-bet. Tashkent-2011y.
2“The effectiveness of glycine in the correction of myocardial infarction”(in Russian. language)Yuldashev N.M.,Ismailova G.O.,Karimova Sh.F.,Nishantaev M.K.O’zR Sog’liqni Saqlash Vazirligi. ТаshpMIPrinting license № 10-1493″Extremum-Press”,Street, Tashkent. Bogishamol 57 b.pp. 4.  Tashkent -2014
1“Tibbiy kimyo” (in Uzb. Language)Alimxodjayeva N.T.,Ikramova Z.A.,Suleymanova G.G.,Tadjiyeva X.S.452 bet, shartli bosma tabog’I 28,75;МЧЖ “Fan va ta’lim poligraf” bosma­xo­na­sida chop etildi100170, Toshkent shahar, Do‘rmon yoli ko‘cha, 24-uy..Tashkent-2017y.

The chair has electronic versions of textbooks and teaching aids.

    • Electronic educational-methodical manuals (see: Downloads)