Spiritual and educational work is directed to the introduction of effective forms and methods of spiritual and moral education and enlightenment work.
At the department there is an approved thematic plan, a library and a corner of spiritual and educational work. The work is carried out according to the plan in all groups. In addition, curatorial work is conducted at the department, for this purpose an annual curatorial plan is developed every year, in which groups are regularly held conversations and discusses the creative and other activities of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh. M. Mirziyoyev, materials of a spiritual and educational nature. To the department are attached 5 curator groups of the faculty of the 1 st pediatrics. Together with supervisory groups, teachers participate in the holidays: Independence Day, Students’ Day, Teacher’s Day and Teachers Day, Constitution Day, Navruz, March 8, and others. In the curatorial groups there are regular conversations aimed at forming high spiritual and moral qualities among students, developing a sense of patriotism, trust and respect for each other. Students prepare reports on the following topics: “Oila hukuku va manbanari”, “Constitution”, “Terrorism”, “About the dangers of smoking, drug addiction”, “About kindness and mercy”, “Doctor’s tasks”, etc.
Together with the curators, the groups visit the museums: “Courage”, “Arts”, “Medicine”, “Amir Temur”, “Sports Valor”, etc. Theaters also attend: National Drama Theater, Abrora Khidoyatova, Ilhom and other
“Kamolot” together with the dean’s office regularly provide material assistance to needy students. Curators get acquainted with the living conditions of students in dormitories and private apartments. To the extent possible, they are provided with all possible assistance.

Clock information
At the department there is a folder that contains the presidential decrees, decisions of the Ministry of Higher Education, news, politics, etc. These materials are being actively discussed at faculty meetings, lectures, practical classes.

The facilitators are:

Dots. Karimova Sh.F. (112 group, faculty 1 of pediatrics)
Dots. Ismailova G.O. (111 group, faculty 1 of pediatrics)
Dots. Akbarhodzhaeva H.N. (102 group pediatrics international faculty)
Ass. Nishantaev M.K. (303 group, faculty 1 of pediatrics)
Ass. Azizova N.M. (110 group, faculty of 1 pediatrics)

Member of the Women’s Council TashPMI: Dots. Akbarhodjaeva H.N. 

Responsiblefor the piritual – educational work: Dots. Akbarhodjaeva H.N.