The chair of pathological physiology has been organized in August, 1972 by the First employees of chair were: the Manager. Chair of the prof. d.m.s. M.M.Hakberdyev, the senior lecturer of chair L.A.Alimova c.m.s., assistants: E.N.Ostroumova-c.m.s.., N.N.Olyhova-c.m.s.. And E.V.Aulov. Under a scientific management of prof. M.M.Hakberdiyev aspects of a problem of regional allergology are developed and 5 doctors of sciences and 47 candidates of sciences are prepared. The chair successfully combined scientific work with scholar -methodical. Merits of many employees of chair were not unitary marked by a management of institute MH and MinHEI By efforts of employees of chair under the guidance of prof. M.M.Hakberdiyev it is published 2 the languid textbook on Pathological physiology with a pediatric orientation, in language Russian are published 20 scholar – methodical recommendations, managements for students and more than 12 methodical recommendations for practical doctors.