An open lesson with the participation of 604, 605, 606 and 607 students of the medical faculty was held

On department students of the 5th and 6th year are taught on the subjects “Emergency states” and “Emergency Medical Assistance “. Emergency situations ” on are trained in the thematic plan. In the department  modern pedagogical technologies (graphic organizers, the project, a case methods, multimedia presentations, dummies) and information-technological resources are widely used. The room for independent study аre organized in the department. Evaluation of knowledge of students are carried out on rating system. Final examinations are provided by the integrated method (OSCE).

The main purpose of teaching work at the chair is the creation of conditions conducive to increasing the efficiency and quality of educational process. Methodical work at the Department is a complex of activities aimed at:

1. provision of the educational process the educational-methodical complexes,

2. The pedagogical skills of teachers, improving in-class and independent work of students,

3. Improvement of all shapes, types and methods of educational work at the Department in accordance with the condition and prospects of development of the healthcare system.

The decision of tasks, providing the achievement of the objectives of the methodological work carried out on the chair in the forms of:

1. The educational-methodical work aimed at improving the methods of teaching of disciplines, direct methodical maintenance of educational process, implementation of the recommendations elaborated in the result of scientific research, to improve pedagogical qualifications for the teaching staff;

2. The scientific-methodical work with the purpose of generalization of the advanced experience, perspective development of the educational process, improvement of its content and teaching methods, the search for new principles, patterns, methods, forms and means of organization and technology of educational process;

3. Organizational-methodical work encompasses activities to manage methodological work.

Hospital bases for the Department

1. Reception of the department of the TashPMI clinic.

2. National Children’s Medical Center

3. Republican Scientific Center of Emergency Medical Care.

4. 3rd, 5th and 6th ambulance stations of Tashkent.

5. City perinatal Center.