Responsible for the Student Scientific Society (SSS) circle of the department: senior teacher Nabieva J.R.
From the beginning of the educational process, under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages, talented young people can be members of the student scientific circle “Medical English Club” and work with scientific topics annually. The total number of participants in the Medical English Club is 40 students. The English Club provides academic guidance and academic topics.
During the academic year, students may organize research and prepare theses with the help of their supervisor. This academic year (2022-2023) 36 theses were prepared, of which 34 theses were selected for publication at the Republican Scientific Conference of the Institute “Student Scientific Society” on May 12, 2023.
Within the framework of various competitions and competitions attracting students to International and Republican scientific and educational Olympiads, creating a database of student winners and prize-winners, involving them in the activities of the institute, department staff D.D. Buranova, D.Sh. Latipova, Zh.R. Nabieva ., Tolipova Sh.Sh., Sharipova F.I. provided methodological and scientific help and advisory work, extracurricular activities were carried out and good results were achieved.
Members of the department’s SSS are:
- Abduvalieva M. – 2nd year student. Scientific supervisor: head of the department, associate professor Buranova D.D.
- Tursinbaeva Z. – 1st year student. Scientific supervisor: senior teacher Nabieva J.R.
- Tuychiev B. – 1st year student. Scientific supervisor: senior teacher Guzacheva N.I.